By D.J. Harrington
Attitude is the way you view your life, your experiences in the towing business and your experiences outside the towing business. Attitude is how you deal with your opportunities, your problems and choices and then your responses to the results.
Losers always see thunderstorms. Winners always see rainbows. Losers see all mishaps of icy streets while winners put on their ice skates. Losers are always putting down and winners are always lifting up. Losers let life happen to them. Winners make life happen for them and others. Winning and losing are all about attitude. Let me share with you a story about a wise, little boy who wanted to change his situation.
There was a big bully down the street who was always bothering this little boy. The little boy was trying to get his nerve up to stand up to the bully, but he was still too afraid.
Well one day, his father bought him a new telescope hoping to divert his son’s thoughts. His son was out in the front yard, playing with it, but he was looking through the wrong end. Instead, he was looking through the big side.
His father stepped outside and said, “NO, son. You’re doing it backward. Turn it around and it will make everything bigger like it was meant to do.”
The little boy said, “I know that Dad, but right now I’m looking at this bully. When I look at him this way it makes him so small that I’m not afraid of him anymore.”
You may need to turn your telescope around. You’ve magnified that problem long enough. You’ve thought about how impossible it is, and how it’s never going to work out. But if you’ll turn it around, you will see from the right perspective.
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.”
It goes back to Dr. Wayne Dwyer’s saying, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.”
Attitude begins as harmless thoughts. Then, with practice, they become layered by habit into unbroken chains to shackle OR strengthen our lives. We are scarcely aware they exist. Just like a comfortable bed, they are easy to fall into, but difficult to get out of.
First, we make our attitude and then our attitude makes us. There is little difference between common people and those who are uncommonly successful. Both common and uncommon people have a passion. The slight difference is in their attitude. What makes this little difference HUGE is whether the attitude is positive or negative. Things will always happen to us. We are not responsible for what happens out here or what others do or think. We are responsible only for how we choose to feel or behave.
My final thought is some of us in towing need to turn our telescope backwards and start seeing some of our challenges in a better and proper perspective. After that exercise we’ll have a better attitude.
See you next time.