Bullet Freight Systems Uses Cutting Edge GPS Technology to Track Assets

Logistics Company uses Track What Matters

Flower Mound, Texas – April 30, 2012 – Track What Matters today announced that Bullet Freight Systems in Doral, Fla is using state-of-the art GPS technology from Track What Matters to track its high-value shipments. Bullet Freight Systems currently has 47 trucks and 27 trailers.

“We need GPS because of the security risks in Miami, and we ship high-value cargo,” said Kevin Dindial president of Bullet Freight Systems. With an average value of $1M in shipping goods, knowing where the trailers are at all times is of extreme importance.

Bullet Freight selected GPS asset trackers from Track What Matters because of the extended battery life contained in the units. “We’ve had to place GPS units inside the trailers because when we had them on the outside, they would get lost or broken if the truck brushed up against tree branches,” said Dindial. Units placed inside the trailers require a longer battery life, and we’ve had problems with other systems.”

Because Bullet Freight Systems has experienced great success with the asset trackers from Track What Matters, they have recently equipped all of their trailers with the technology.

More details are available at www.trackwhatmatters.com.