Don’t Panic – Be Prudent

For the past several months, Towers have been experiencing eye-opening financial burdens because of a virus threat they cannot see.  During strange and unnerving times, such as these, the Towing Industry always trudges forward.  We’re resilient no matter what comes our way.  That brings me to what my friend within another industry requested from me recently.

To help his members during these times, this friend asked me to speak on “Being Prudent” for posting on Facebook.  After I recorded my 2-minute video segment, he posted it on Facebook Live to help those members and businesses involved in his industry.  Basically, here’s what I said about ‘Being Prudent’.

“Yes, I’m frugal.  Some people say, I’m tighter than bark on a tree.  Why?  I won’t write a check until I view my bank balance.  You won’t find me buying a boat or a four-wheeler to drive the hills of Georgia until the virus stuff is over.”

As I continued my 2 minutes, I let the viewers know that I’m self-employed.  “President Trump will not be writing me a check.  Please listen to this white-haired man.  I have run out of money before when I’ve run out of week.  More workers then usual might not be paying their credit card bills this month. Luckily, some banks are providing a sliver of relief to customers who are struggling financially, whether by waiving late-payment fees, deferring interest charges or not reporting missed payments to the credit bureaus.”  As the viewers were practicing social distancing at work and home, I continued my quest to help lower their fears.  I gave them some simple things that they could do now to calm things, especially if they were concerned about making ends meet.

Some simple tasks they could do from home were discussed.  Holding up a purple bag of coins, I said, “Go through that jar or bag of change you’ve put aside for a rainy day.  Did you know that the 2019 penny with a W under the date is worth 20 dollars and 47 cents?   That’s right – $20.47.”   My purpose was to keep my conversation light-hearted.  Next, I suggested, them pulling down from the top closet shelf that 500-piece puzzle from Aunt Mary received several Christmases ago and make it a family project.  Finishing that puzzle could be a wonderful way for the family to reconnect without relying on Xbox or iPads.  I also suggested there might be a hobby that they could focus on for a period of time each day. My purpose was not just to calm their fears but to make sure each listener was being prudent with what they already have.

What I didn’t get to say during that 2-minute segment was this.  The virus is still here as we approach end of summer. Some scientists and doctors have indicated that this virus could return in 2021.  Will we, as an industry, be financially prepared to survive another round of this virus with the financial downturn it could bring? And, what if it could have a bigger punch next year?

The larger financial corporations will not talk to the average Towers unless he or she has a multi-million-dollar portfolio.  They won’t waste their time on working with us.  I’m asking you to be prudent so you can lock-in now the things that can help so you don’t have money issues again.   I have a small book that can help all of us – How Money Works.  It is an easy read that even a high school student can read and easily understand. You can find the book on Amazon for $16.99 plus shipping cost with a 4.6 – STARS of a 5.0 – STAR rating, but I can send you a copy of it for $10 with NO shipping cost.  Contact me directly because I personally know the authors.  All I ask is that you read the book and let me know your favorite part.

While being prudent, don’t forget to think about others.  There might be a neighbor that you don’t really know very well that could use your help.  If you feel you would like a book for yourself, your children, or a neighbor, I will be happy to accommodate. Let me know how many of these books you will need.

Friends, this virus and financial problem WILL pass.  As hard-working, unrelenting Towers, we are resilient.  So, don’t panic.  Be prudent.  Think before you spend money.  Let me know if you want a copy of this book for $10.  Call me at 770-301-4122 and leave me your contact information.  In the meantime, be safe, healthy and love to all.

Next time, I will share what things Towers can do during these times to make extra money.  See you next time