MVP Missions

Next Generation Tool Company has always been a family-owned business. Owners Darrell and Joanie Bolton are second generation lockout tool manufacturers, taking over where Romaco Tools, Darrell’s father left off.

Over the years the Bolton’s have had opportunities to do more than just manufacture lockout tools. Their faith has given them the desire to help others in many ways.

Since 2007 Darrell has had the privilege of going on mission trips to 24 different countries. Joanie has recently joined in his travels the past 4 years.

Darrell and Joanie have dedicated even more of their time to mission work as the opportunity and needs arise. In 2012 they established MVP Missions, a Florida non-profit organization which provides a platform for others to learn of, and to help support their ministry.

In just the past year (2014) they traveled to Thailand, Myanmar, Bolivia, Brazil, Aruba and Curacao. On their trips they work with local Baptist churches and assist with preaching, teaching, and other outreach ministries. They often use balloons, puppets, and pictures to illustrate Bible stories and truths.

Traveling that much can create some tales to tell…and they’ve had their share. Several years ago, on a whirlwind mission trip to 9 countries in 42 days, Darrell was: Detained in Bangladesh—questioned by 5 different levels of law-enforcement. Evicted from a hotel in Pakistan—with the recent bombings, the manager did not want Americans staying there, for fear of possible terrorist attacks. Forced to flee government authorities in Myanmar—at “high speed” after flagging down a bicycle taxi before the police arrived.

The biggest, life changing event occurred on a mission trip 3 years ago. While serving in a partially communist country, Darrell experienced a raging pain in his abdomen on a Saturday night. He was rushed to the ER and was placed under the care of an anti-American doctor. After long delays in testing, it was finally revealed that Darrell’s colon had ruptured… but the doctor did NOT perform the necessary, lifesaving surgery that was needed. He merely washed the infected area with saline, after calling it, “The worst case of peritonitis I have ever seen!” He put him on antibiotics to see if it would help. Darrell’s condition plummeted. He had sepsis (serious blood infection) and peritonitis (abdominal cavity infection) and was very close to death.

As this was happening, Joanie’s mother was admitted to a hospital in California and was given an unexpected diagnosis—having only 1-4 hours to live. Because of Darrell’s critical condition, Joanie was unable to leave him to fly home to say “goodbye” or to attend her mom’s funeral. By Wednesday, Darrell was at the brink of death and demanded his own surgery. The antiAmerican doctor called in another doctor who thankfully spared Darrell’s life. The surgeon removed Darrell’s entire sigmoid colon, giving him a colostomy.

After surgery, Darrell’s recovery was back under the care of the anti-American doctor. While making remarks against the US, he checked Darrell’s wounds daily, touching them, without washing his hands, or putting on gloves.

After Darrell’s much awaited discharge, the two were finally headed back home. They were forced to layover a few days in Bangkok, Thailand to make sure Darrell was strong enough for the long flight across the ocean. Sadly, due to the doctor touching Darrell’s wounds, and other graphic mistreatment, an internal fevered infection grew and burned a hole the size of a quarter in the stomach’s sheath-lining. This required a 3rd surgery in a Third-World Country.

Despite their heartbreak and multiple surgeries, the Boltons received great peace and comfort from the Lord; and felt blanketed by the love and prayers from their family and friends. Despite the difficult circumstances, their faith never wavered. In fact, it gave them more resolve to accomplish even more with their mission’s ministry.

Joanie has since written a book about their incredible two-month “adventure” which has been featured on both TV and on many radio shows. You can view some pictures from their experience and read the reviews on the book’s website

As this article is going to press, Darrell and Joanie have embarked on a 6+ week, 4-country mission trip to the Philippines, Singapore, Cambodia, and Myanmar.

The Bolton’s say there’s nothing like helping others, and happily exclaim, “We have the best job in the world! We have been very fortunate living here in America and we love the opportunities we’ve had to provide food and toys to orphanages, visit those in jails, pass out Bibles to people who have never owned one, and even the chance to visit a leper colony. Honestly, there’s nothing more rewarding than what we do.”

With thoughts of loved ones close to their hearts, they’ve recently designed a line of pink longreach lockout tools, and they make a donation to Breast Cancer Research with every pink tool sold.

“We’ve been blessed in so many ways and want to do what we can to make a difference in lives around the world. We are thankful for this opportunity with MVP Missions.”