Providers Using Wyless Group Software To Experience Instant, Seamless Integration with Trusted International Roadside Assistance Brand

With digital dispatch technology rapidly becoming the industry standard, providers have been
eagerly awaiting the day when the global connectivity of online communications worked its way
into the day-to-day operations of towing and roadside assistance businesses. For users of Wyless
Group (formerly Progressive Platforms) software – that day has arrived. In a recent transition,
Road America, one of the largest and most trusted roadside assistance brands, has added Wyless
Group compatibility to its extensive digital dispatch web service. Now, individual providers
seeking to work with Road America as part of its provider network with the speed and efficiency
of completely automated dispatching.

“The entire industry has been moving towards a single digital dispatch standard for some time
now,” says Bill Dolan for Road America. “The Wyless Group is one of the latest to benefit from
standardization as our system now interfaces with theirs seamlessly.”

For Wyless Group’s current software users, this means that Road America will instantly become
an available provider – capable of placing tow requests, acceptance, and delivering motorist and
other information through existing automated systems. In turn, providers will be able to respond
to calls with better accuracy and speed – improving both their customer satisfaction rates and
overall productivity.

Bonnie Verhulst /Bill Dolan/Miguel Cifuentes
(888) 293-6672

road america