HOLLY’S TOWING DISPATCH – The leader in 24/7 Towing Dispatch

Holly's Dispatch

Holly's Dispatch

How many Towing Dispatch Services do you have in your town? In your state? Towers in CT are lucky enough to have ONE. Ask the same question of towers in MA, FL, TX, CA or 45 other states.  Local or not, Holly’s Dispatch Customers are likely to say that CT is the place they have found a dispatch service that can serve their needs.

Yes, answering services are everywhere. They answer for medical professionals, property managers, tradesman, and anyone else who wants their calls answered 24/7…but if there is one thing we have learned at Holly’s Dispatch Service, it is that TOWING and all the other types of 24/7 businesses do not mix well in the world of answering phones and dispatching calls.

At Holly’s Dispatch Service, we answer for Towers 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Why? Because there is a huge need for dispatching services across the country. A dispatch service that specializes in the towing industry, trains in the towing industry, and understands the importance of getting every call out immediately is above and beyond what you will get at your local answering service.

Get your life back! Spend time with your friends and family! Get a full night’s rest knowing that your phones are being answered, your drivers are out working for you, your PD calls are getting immediate response, and your motorclub ratings are not suffering! Let Holly’s Towing Dispatch work for you, while you work on your business. Whether you are looking for night and weekend relief, 24 hour dispatching, or just a weekend off once a month, Holly’s Dispatch Service is what you have been looking for.

We pride ourselves on customizing each of our customers’ accounts. You run your business the way that suits you best, and Holly’s Dispatch Service aims to assist you in keeping it running at the times you are not available.  Don’t go another day of missing out on sleep, or being with those you love. Call Holly’s Dispatch Service or contact us online. We are always available to discuss your individual needs.

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