This Podcast Is for You!

Months ago, I didn’t know what a podcast was nor how to do it. It wasn’t until I met a radio producer, air personality from the Atlanta market by the name of Chuck Camp, that I knew how easily it could be done. Not really understanding anything about podcasts, Chuck explained to me the process and suggested doing podcasts with him from his Atlanta studio. I agreed it was for me, started the first one and have become very successful in a short amount of time. I thank the good Lord that Chuck knew all the ins and outs of this new and successful media venue. My industry knowledge is what Chuck needed from me. You’re probably thinking that you don’t have the stuff to make a podcast happen.

As he explained it to me, Chuck already owned over $1800 worth of “Bumper Music” that we needed to complete our podcasts. Music is a tremendous addition to any podcast. Chuck also had all the podcast equipment, and he is an ACE editor. So, if you say something and want to fix a line or two, Chuck knows exactly how to edit, and it’s done by an expert. What’s it like working with Chuck Camp? It’s like having your own mini, 25-minute radio show each week and having fun while you’re doing it. You might think you don’t have the right equipment to do a podcast. However, anyone who has a mobile phone can get a podcast right on their phone because it’s an app that comes standard with all mobile phones.
Now, I call Wes and April Wilburn. Wes is a 38-year towing veteran and founder of American Towing and Recovery Institute. Having been published over 100 times in major towing publications, Wes has also produced and conducted training and certification programs for leading towing companies, equipment distributors, towing association like Florida this year, and this year’s Mid-west Tow Show. He also does DOT, Fire Department/Rescue, as well as military installations across the USA. Wes has provided insight as a main speaker for over 29 years at more than 850 training sessions and has been recognized as one of America’s greatest towing trainers. His straightforward but down-to-earth teaching style made that happen.

Together, every week, we do a podcast. I’m the Co-Host as the “Tow Doctor” and Wes is the other Co-Host, “The Expert,” who brings all the knowledge to the podcast as well as friends, his fellow towers. We have completed 35 podcasts so far and have covered the Tow Show in Florida and the Mid-West. We did a great one on the International Towing & Recovery Museum.

Do me a favor. Please listen to Episode 29. You’ll hear a great one if you do. Pete Ashenden, Jr., Wes’s dear towing, trainer friend, joined us as we went to Louisiana to visit with Jared Varnado from Varnado and Son’s Towing. Here’s a picture of Jared with his dad, Gary, and Jared’s three sons: Liam, Waylon, and Emmitt. We need more towing families like the Varnados. You can see all their many beautifully, painted trucks sporting the US flag. As you drive around the state of Louisiana, their trucks can’t be missed because the flag covers every truck.

If you like what you hear or want to be a guest on the podcast, call our hot line and leave a message at 706-409-5603. Please leave your name along with your company name. We had a great tip left on the hotline last week. The caller requested a safety tip should be added to each episode or least once a month. No name was left so we can’t give them credit for this helpful tip.

Other podcasts that I liked were done by Randy Muscarello and Nate Buckler. Episode 31, like Jared, Randy Muscarello is a 3rd generation tower, also from the state of Louisiana, who works on legislative processes and getting laws changed that will improve working conditions for towers. You won’t want to miss the Episode with Nate Buckler who is both a fire fighter and towing operator. Cross training the two professions is also discussed in that episode. Very informative.

Before I end this article, another podcast that you shouldn’t miss is Episode 15 with Sean Van Lingen and Marc Rivas from California. That was a good one. There are so many that I could recall and each of them last 20 to 30 minutes in length. If you have feedback, we would love to hear it. Our weekly podcasts average between 1,000 and 1,200 listeners each week, and I would like to add you to our list of podcast talent that reaches and helps our listeners. So easy to do each week, this podcast opportunity is really for you. So, take the first step and consider trying it at least once. Go to American Towman & Recovery Institute podcast and let me know how you feel. See you next time.