Coming Soon – Ranger PW with LPR Ranger PatrolWorks with License Plate Recognition (LPR)

Ranger is launching major functionality improvements for Relocation/Private Property Impound (PPI) later this year.  The new solution advances manual/visual approaches to include automated LPR detections – primarily aimed at apartment complexes, university lots, and temporary parking lots (e.g., events, hospitals, airports)

  • The advanced solution changes the game in private property enforcement
  • The current process in Ranger is based on manual identification of vehicles without a valid permit for a lot, or in violation of policies – e.g., blocking a fire lane or hydrant
  • The new solution features cameras on a patrol vehicle to quickly identify violations based on license plates – e.g., LP not recognized or in wrong lot
  • Automatic “chalking” identifies vehicles that are in Visitor spaces longer than allowed
  • There are expanded revenue generating opportunities for property managers and towing companies
  • Violations will trigger tickets based on parking policies published by the property
  • Tow requests will be generated automatically based on the policy rules. The tow could be immediate (e.g., expired Guest Permit) or based on frequency of the violation (e.g., third time in the wrong lot)
  • Not only will Property Managers have an added revenue opportunity from tickets, but they also have the flexibility to easily sell permanent or Guest permits (on-line)
  • Ranger’s current PatrolWorks Mobile solution complements the new LPR capability
  • When the LPR detects a violation, a spotter can add pictures and information using PatrolWorks Mobile.  Ranger matches the “due diligence” information to the violation for a complete record
  • PatrolWorks Mobile already enables the entry of other violations that are not based on an invalid LP/permit – e.g., vehicles parked in loading zones or EV-only charging spots
  • The capabilities of PatrolWorks Mobile has also been advanced to include automatic recognition of license plates, and rapid picture-taking – adding to the productivity of a Spotter
  • The integrated software completes the PW with LPR solution
  • In-Vehicle System:  provides the patrol vehicle with up-to-date data – “White” and “Black” list LPs for fast and reliable on-scene detections
  • Solution Architecture:  enables a third-party Parking Management Company (PMC) – distinct from one or more towing companies – to work with property managers.   The PMC could be the towing company.  But the solution provides flexibility for a PMC to be the problem-solving interface for permit holders on behalf of a property manager, to independently patrol lots, and to manage assignments to towing operations
  • Portal for Property Managers: provides a mobile-friendly application for approving license plates, entering temporary permits for contractors and visitors, viewing violation records, and tracking daily activity
  • Portal for Permit Holders: provides a mobile-friendly application for registering their vehicle(s), purchasing permanent and guest permits, viewing violation information, and paying for tickets

The next generation in private property enforcement is being readied for launch.  Are you ready for higher productivity, increased revenue, and improved customer service?

Please call for more information: 440.498.1495