Reduce Risk, Lower Costs and Improve Safety with GPS Vehicle Tracking

network fleet
Each day, towing and recovery companies are challenged to find new ways to better manage expenses while maintaining superior service levels. GPS vehicle tracking with telematics technology can help achieve these goals by improving safety, lowering costs and increasing efficiency.

Reduce Risk and Improve Safety

For towing and recovery companies, risk can present itself in many forms. Poorly maintained vehicles can breakdown more frequently, putting your drivers at risk. Your company’s revenue and reputation is also on the line, as improperly routed vehicles can delay service response times to customers in need.

Managing these threats begins with having a clear understanding of your vehicles’ specific risk exposures and a commitment to operating them safely. You can also reduce your risk by monitoring engine health through remote diagnostics to reduce vehicle breakdowns. In addition, you can reduce accidents by limiting miles driven and reducing aggressive driving habits. GPS
tracking also safeguards your business against vehicle theft and protects drivers against false claims.

Lower Fuel Costs and Streamline Routing

As fuel costs continue to fluctuate, businesses are looking for ways to keep expenses under control. But unless improving fuel efficiency becomes a company-wide effort, any cost savings are likely to be minimal at best.

Having a GPS tracking system in place gives everyone in the company – from managers to drivers – the information and tools they need to help improve fuel efficiency and cut costs.

By using precise GPS tracking, you can locate the closest driver to dispatch and route vehicles more efficiently. This streamlines routing and reduces fuel usage. In addition, understanding the idling patterns of your vehicles with near real-time alert notifications will help you to minimize unnecessary idle time. You can also lower fuel mileage by eliminating harsh acceleration and aggressive driving behaviors. At the same time, you can prevent fraudulent transactions with the
ability to track and verify fuel purchases.

Operate Efficiently with Preventive Maintenance

A well-maintained fleet is a safer and more efficient fleet. With remote diagnostic monitoring, you can increase the safety of your drivers and the health of your tow trucks by detecting potential problems, such as engine malfunctions or bad brakes, before they become serious issues. In addition, you can reduce vehicle wear and tear by decreasing off hour usage and
lowering miles driven.

The benefits for GPS vehicle tracking don’t stop there. You’ll be able to bill more accurately by monitoring routing history and improving job dispatching. Many systems are easily integrated with other applications, such as with Garmin devices to facilitate turn-by-turn navigation and direct communication with drivers. Once you start using GPS vehicle tracking, you will wonder how you ever got along without it.

For more information, contact:

Verizon Networkfleet