TRAA Coordinating Move Over Law Awareness Among States

The Midwest Regional Tow Show 2019 in Mason, OH hosted the TRAA’s most recent State Association Forum Breakfast. This was the third forum for affiliate state associations TRAA has held this year, and it was just as well attended as the other two with leaders from 15 individual state associations participating. The primary goal of the Ohio forum was for state associations to share their initiatives and ideas for promoting Move Over Law awareness with the motoring public.

TRAA is asking all state associations to join our incident management partners in supporting FHWA’s National Traffic Incident Responder Awareness Week (NTIRAW) from November 10-16, 2019. Whenever possible, states are asked to coordinate their Move Over Awareness initiatives during or leading up to FHWA’s annual week in November for maximum exposure and impact outside of the towing community. By synchronizing our efforts, we’ll also be sending a clear message of inclusion with and support for our IM partners.

TRAA also mentioned their backing for the Move Over Law Day Resolution (H. Res. 373). Since the resolution does not include a date, if passed, we’re hopeful that the legislators will select a November date to coincide with FHWA’s established National Traffic Incident Responder Awareness Week (NTIRAW).

Of course, one of the best ways to gauge the effectiveness of these Move Over events is to review the struck-by and near-miss data for tow operators. The Towing Traffic Incident Reporting System (TTIRS) is the only reporting system for the towing industry. TTIRS is recognized by FHWA, the National Academy of Sciences’ Transportation Research Board (TRB), and many of our incident management partners. The collection of this data is essential for pushing the enforcement of Move Over Laws.

What is your state association doing to promote Move Over Law awareness to the motoring public? We challenge you to get involved!

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