TRAA Helping the Industry Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

It’s safe to say the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the entire country. The Towing and Recovery Association of America, Inc.® (TRAA) has been the towing industry’s advocate throughout this crisis. TRAA has been here for you and supporting towers across the country in multiple ways:

CISA Advisory

When the crisis first erupted in March, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a federal advisory to the states outlining essential employees that could work during stay-at-home orders. While indirectly covered under transportation, towers weren’t expressly cited in the advisory so TRAA paid for a legal determination and official letter for every member so they could continue operating. Not one to stop there, TRAA and their federal lobbying firm were instrumental in getting towing and recovery and roadside services expressly included in the revised CISA advisory a few weeks later. Since the original list of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers was from 2007, this change was a major win for the entire towing industry!

CARES Act (H.R. 748)

As the crisis has worn on, TRAA has continued to be the industry’s best resource. When the CARES Act was passed, TRAA immediately informed its members on the four provisions designed to assist small business owners such as towing companies. From information on how to apply for beneficial loan opportunities, to tax credits, and payroll tax delays, TRAA has been helping its members navigate the available resources during this evolving and unprecedented situation.

Understanding the difficult choices that many towing companies are facing, TRAA even put out information for its members on the dos and don’ts of downsizing fleets for those in need.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a healthcare crisis that has turned into a global economic crisis. During these unparalleled times TRAA continues to work on the industry’s behalf with towers across the country finding comfort and support in their TRAA membership.

If you are not a member of TRAA, head over to their website and join now: