Beacon Software

“Beacon software has done three major things for me. I never lose a dollar! I’ve cut down on my
expenses in my dispatch department, and it’s made every truck I own more profitable.”

-Bud Gruber Bald Eagle Towing.

Selecting the right software for your business is as important as the trucks you drive, the personnel you
employ, and the accounts you work for. You have many options for software. Getting the right fit is crucial.

Dispatch Anywhere helps you get to the root of your business needs to optimize workflow. This cloud based solution is made to accommodate any size business. Our user friendly interface allows you to create, manage, track, report, store, and bill your daily activity. Your profitability and efficiency are enhanced by removing repetitive steps in your daily operations. Depending on your needs you can build
upon Dispatch Anywhere by adding TowMagic and Motor club billing. These features allow you to integrate club/insurance calls and push them out to be paid. This creates efficiencies that reduce your need for additional resources and personnel.

Communication is streamlined with Dispatch Anywhere for Drivers. This mobile app puts the power of the call in your driver’s hands. You’ll have accountability for your team in the field with real time damage reports and paperless signatures. Information is entered one time, and everyone is on the same
page. Tracking your vehicles gives you an ideal perspective on activity, so there’s no guesswork. Sending
the right truck to a call creates an organized workflow that frees up wasted time, adding more calls per
day. Empowering your drivers to capture job information and take payments in the field reduces the time spent talking to dispatch. In addition to our mobile solutions you can integrate with multiple GPS partners. Ty Lambert of TomTom commented “Beacon Software has helped define the requirements for tow management software within the towing industry. Beacon’s integration with TomTom WEBFLEET ensures customers see the highest possible ROI on their software and telematics investment. This is achieved by improving decision making abilities, thus providing a more profitable tow with better operational efficiency and a reduction in fuel spend and maintenance costs.” Controlling your expenses increases profitability.

Beacon Software sets itself apart from other solutions by remaining current in the technology available today. We keep you up to date so you have the best tools available. Beacon was born out of a third generation towing company. For 14 years we’ve operated at the benefit of the tower and always will. We are a development company that operates 100% in-house. This allows us to control our destiny and keep a laser focus on what’s important to you. You need software that works as hard as you do, and adapts as your business grows. Make your decision for the future.

Beacon Software

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Tow Professional
Tow Professional is a comprehensive publication for the Towing and Recovery market. It is mailed to a national audience of more than 22,000 decision-makers, including Owners, Presidents, CEOs, and Principals.