Dispatch Anywhere from Beacon Software

Beacon Software

Beacon Software

“What’s messing up your day?” This is a question I ask folks who inquire about our products. Do you feel like you’re losing money? Are you spending too much time at work? Are you spending hours and hours on your billing? I’m sure many of you can relate to this. You work hard, sometimes so hard it’s difficult to make sure you’re covering all the bases. You can’t be everywhere at once. This is a common issue, and there are tools out there for you!

Dispatch Anywhere is made for you…specifically for owners of towing companies, and no one else! We help you manage your business even when you’re not there.

It starts with a call from a customer. All of your accounts and motor clubs are set up in the software. This makes you efficient. Services, pricing, required information fields, default services, and mileage calculations are all preloaded. This means when you select an account for a new call request, this information is there for you. Calls can be manually created in a matter of seconds. Your motor club calls arrive digitally through TowMagic. Imagine a digital request from a club that you accept on your computer and all your call information populates in the call screen. You select a driver/truck on your computer and drag them on top of the call. Confirm it and the request goes out to the driver. Your driver received the call and instantly confirms it. You know this because the call status on your dispatch screen has changed to “confirmed.” This is the first timestamp on the call. Your driver uses a free App on his smartphone to receive call information. He can let you know when en route, arrived, loaded, dropped, and finished. All of these time stamps will appear as the current call status back at dispatch. You can also select your map tool from the dispatch screen to view the location of all the jobs you have on the board in relation to your drivers. We can use the GPS location of their smartphone to track them. This map can detach if you use multiple monitors in the office. We can also track the black boxes from many third party GPS solutions if you desire.

Your driver’s mobile app offers accountability and accuracy. Drivers can touch addresses and phone numbers in the job information for auto dialing or GPS routing to locations. They can select the vehicle type to link to Towspecs for recommended methods and tips. They have the ability to add photos that get stored with the call and can be viewed from dispatch. Drivers can take payments and print or email receipts and tickets from the field. When a driver finishes a call, they are prompted to enter Items that you set as required like VIN and odometer for specific accounts. This gives you all the info you need for billing as soon as the job is completed. Storage calculations for impounded vehicles begin accruing as soon as the job is completed. Dispatch Anywhere allows you to produce invoices and take payment when vehicles are released. Any invoice, statement, or report can be faxed or emailed directly from the same screen.

Billing your accounts and motor clubs is less painful. First, you post your calls. This allows you to view all unbilled calls and will highlight any call that needs information before billing. This allows you to focus only on the calls that need attention rather than looking through everything. Once calls are posted, you can print your statements for all your accounts. Billing your motor clubs is just as easy. Simply select a group of calls to send by checking a box next to each one. Then you click the send button. We will digitally push calls out to most of your clubs’ web sites. It’s about 15 calls per minute! This reduces the manual entry that is consuming your time.

Everything you do on a daily basis is creating data about your business. All of this data can now be filtered into multiple reports. Our reports will allow you to look at driver performance and commissions. Daily logs, ETAs, calls by the hour ETC. Sales reports allow you look at sales by driver, by service, by truck, or payment method. Impound reports that can be created by account for your police calls. You can run release reports with or without amounts. The list goes on and on.

Here’s the bottom line! You know your business better than anyone. You can tell when something is not right. Maybe you feel like you’re getting behind. Are you making as much as you think? Being able to find an issue as fast as possible is the key. Beacon Software gives you the right tools with Dispatch Anywhere and TowMagic.

Beacon Software
(866) 437-6653