FlowStop’s Inflatable Pipe Plug Manages Flow Control



Based in Denver, North Carolina, FlowStop is originally known for its inflatable pipe plug designed to manage flow control, containment, remediation, spill response and evacuation/flushing.  It also simplifies drain line maintenance.  FEMA Grant-approved, the patented design includes single and dual 2 inch flow-through ports for serving non-pressurized pipes. The models not only arrest unwanted contaminants in storm drains; they also turn the storm drain into a containment tool – thereby simplifying the control and remediation process!

The new FlowStop “Golfball” and “Football” Plugs are the newest products in the line, controlling leaks more quickly, easily and accurately than any other product available anywhere.

About Perry Beaty

Perry Beaty is a veteran of the towing industry in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he owned and operated Beaty Towing and Recovery along with Piedmont Environmental Response Team (PERT), selling both companies in 1998. He is Wreckermaster Certified 95465 and named one of the Top Ten Wreckmasters in 1997. Beaty has maintained his Hazmat certification, receiving a patent in 2008 for the inflatable storm drain plug that was approved for FEMA funding in 2010.

To learn more, visit www.FlowStop.net or call 877-356-9767.