Do Not Let Decreasing Fuel Prices Cause You to Lose Sight of Controlling Your Fuel Costs!

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Prices in many places are lower than they have been in several years. It is to
your benefit at this time to start examining your fuel purchases to see if you are obtaining the greatest
savings possible. Looking at a medium sized Midwest market, gasoline prices have dropped from $3.68
per gallon on July 1, 2014, to $1.96 on January 5, 2015. Are these prices here to stay? I cannot really
answer that question, however, in the last six months, has your fuel costs dropped by 46% the same as
the retail prices? If it has not, ask yourself why? Have your number of trips and dispatches went up, or
are your operators being less careful about watching their out-of-route miles, idle times, or making
unauthorized purchases using company cash or credit cards to fuel their personal vehicles? Any and all
of these things are possible which is why Automated Fuels offers companies of all sizes across the
United States a Towing Fleet Fuel Program. Our program of controls and customizations help to make
sure your fuel purchases end up in your trucks.

Automated Fuels Towing Program Controls include:

  • PIN Identification – Each Operator has a unique number that identifies them as the purchaser of the fuel in a particular vehicle.
  • Gallon Limits Per Transaction – Each Fuel Card can have a limit of the number of gallons that the card is able to purchase fuel. If a truck in your fleet has a 50 gallon tank, why would they need to purchase more than 45-50 gallons?
  • Gallon Limits Per Day/Week – Unlike the transaction limit, this control helps you limit the number of gallons in a day. If a truck in your fleet has a 50 gallon tank and you know they will go through less than two tanks a day, we can set their daily gallon limit at 100.
  • Time of Day Restrictions – If you have trucks that only operate during the day, or only operate at night, why would they need access to fuel at an off time? We can let you customize this control on a truck by truck basis. Example would be disabling purchases between 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.
  • Day Restrictions – If you only operate Monday through Friday, we could disable all cards or just specific cards on Saturday and Sunday.

Other Benefits of the Automated Fuels Towing Program include:

  • Comprehensive Fuel Management Reports
  • Tracking Miles per Gallon (MPG) for Each Truck
  • Complete Tax Breakdown for Purchases by State
  • Reduce Administrative Time Spent on Fuel Purchasing
  • iPhone & Android Apps to Help Find Closest Accepting Locations
  • Special Price Programs and Card Lock Locations
  • Increase Cash Flow with Weekly or Semi-Monthly Billing Cycles
  • Online Account Access

We can help with your fuel needs anywhere across the country. We want to give you control and confidence about your company’s fuel purchasing.

How is you company purchasing fuel?

Are you giving your drivers cash each day?
Let’s hope not, because you are probably never getting your change, and what was costing you $100 per tank in July is now only costing $55 in most places.

Are your drivers using company credit cards?
Now they have more purchasing power than they need. With monthly billing cycles, someone could take you for thousands of dollars before you even know it!

Our program is more than most “cookie cutter” fleet fuel cards. We are different! We are working with towing companies from many different states and have learned the unique demands for towing businesses. With 55,000 accepting locations and growing, WE CAN HELP YOU!

You can visit our website at or call us toll free (800) 288-6383