There is a saying in this industry that we meet people by accident. But
sometimes, we break down and then start our own company. That’s
exactly what happened to this month’s Women in Towing Feature, Kristen
Klemenz-Westervelt. Kristen and her now husband, Blaine, had a vehicle
breakdown and had to wait for an extended period to get help along with
the cost of having a down vehicle. He said, “If I had a truck, I would start
my own company.” Blaine had a truck and the rest, as they say, is history!
B&W Towing LLC was established on September 15, 2009, in Painted
Post, NY. The journey was far from easy. One of her most difficult
challenges was when Kristen sought a loan for their first tow truck. The
process extended well over several months due to numerous challenges.
The local competition was formidable, and its influence created hesitancy
with the REDEC regarding the loan approval. Kristen had to repeatedly
submit and revise the necessary paperwork before finally securing the
funding. Her passion, persistence, and patience ultimately led to her
success, which is evident today. It all started with that one truck and has
grown to twelve tow trucks, twenty-one employees and two locations.
I asked Kristen what advice she would give to someone who is starting in
the towing industry. “Be strong. This industry is not for the weak, but it is the
most rewarding one I have found.” You have to be tough—both physically
and mentally—because there will be challenges that push you. But the
satisfaction of breaking through those barriers, proving yourself, and
thriving in towing is priceless. You will need resilience, but that strength will
carry you far and make you stand out. Trust yourself and know that your
perseverance is your greatest asset.
Kristen notes that even today, she still catches a look of surprise on
people’s faces when she jumps out of her truck, takes charge of a scene, or
orders equipment. It is a reminder of the lingering stereotypes women face
in the towing industry. However, she is encouraged by the progress she’s
seen. Women are steadily gaining recognition for their contributions, not
just behind the desk but on the front lines as well. As more women step into
leadership roles and demonstrate their expertise, the industry will continue
to evolve, becoming more inclusive and diverse.
When asked for tips on juggling work and home life, Kristen emphasizes,
“Do not be afraid to delegate tasks and ask for help when needed.” Trying
to do everything yourself can lead to burnout, but with a strong support
system in place, it becomes much more manageable. Kristen adds,“With
the right support, you can handle anything.” It is essential to rely on your
team, both at work and at home. By sharing responsibilities and leaning on
others, women in the towing industry can find some balance and continue
to thrive in all areas of their lives.
I asked Kristen what her most rewarding experience in the towing industry
was. She said, “Watching not only my kids but my entire crew grow,
personally and professionally. They have all become successful in every
aspect of their careers and personal lives and that is the best feeling.”
Jokingly, I asked her what two things do you always have with you besides
your phone. Her answer came back quickly, “a notepad and pen 🙂
always!”….. and no one should do without those in the towing industry!
As a planner and goal setter myself, I am always fascinated by learning
what drives others and what their goals are. Kristen’s vision for the future is
particularly inspiring. She is not only focused on the growth of her business
but also on the legacy she is building for her family. Kristen’s next big goal
is to open a third location and, perhaps even more importantly, to watch her
two sons grow into management roles within the business. For her, it is
about creating something lasting, both for her family and for the industry
she is so passionate about.
Kristen nailed it when I asked her what she says to those who doubt her or
what she can do in the industry. “I heard for years you can not do this from
friends, family, and others. I have always had two words: Watch Me!”
And, we are watching you, Kristen Klemenz-Westervelt! Keep going!