Is It Time to Computerize Your Business?

Have you thought about looking into software or mobile solutions for your business?

While an investment in computerization can be extremely beneficial (if you choose good software), you might find it hard to take this leap—it may even feel more difficult than buying a new truck, a decision that requires a substantially larger financial commitment.

There’s good reason for this hesitation: you want to make sure you buy something that will truly help your business, and you may not know exactly what that looks like. If you have found yourself wanting to improve your business by adding customized software but do not want to 1) pay too much or 2) end up with an underpowered solution, then read on!

Tracker Management was founded on the belief that all money is actually made in the office. What you do in the office either makes or breaks what happens on the road and with your customers. The founders of Tracker also recognized that most business owners do not enjoy paperwork, so Tracker created a software package to fill the unique needs of tow operations companies.

After 28 years of development, along with input from several thousand users, we have a software solution that delivers what you need for your tow operation. We know you only want to invest in computerization once, so our system is designed to flex and grow with you over the years.

Here are some great questions to ask when evaluating different software packages for your business:

Does this fit the way we do business?

How are storage rates figured for each account?

What about base, hourly, day, and night pricing?

How much time is required to learn and execute the software?

Once you have answered these questions and thought about your specific business needs, call us—we can help you review your requirements and determine the best solution, whether it is Tracker or something else.

Give Tracker a call today at 800-445-2438.

We will listen without trying to sell. Our number one goal is to help you find what you need.

This is our promise to you.

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Tow Professional
Tow Professional is a comprehensive publication for the Towing and Recovery market. It is mailed to a national audience of more than 22,000 decision-makers, including Owners, Presidents, CEOs, and Principals.