PatrolWorks with LPR Private Property Parking Management – Reimagined From PPI to Parking Management

Ranger’s innovative solution – PatrolWorks with LPR – resets expectations for effective private property parking management.  It puts the pieces together with advanced permitting capabilities AND LPR enforcement in a single, fully integrated solution.

You now have a new, exciting opportunity for growth – extending your PPI business by offering your customers a single-source outsourcing option for their parking management.  An option that delivers increased revenues and returns on their parking assets.

PatrolWorks with LPR equips you to be a full-service Parking Management Company that delivers exceptional value to your customers while increasing your own revenues and profits.  You become your customers’ “go to” resource for parking — managing the process from feature-rich paid permitting to “arms-length” LPR patrolling to responsible enforcement (ticketing and/or impounding).

You can serve more customers and lots, share in permitting processing fees, and benefit from more impounds without investments in more trucks.

PatrolWorks with LPR targets owners in two markets: 1.) Multi-Family Residential properties (apartments, HOA’s, campuses), and 2.) Pay to Park lots.  Using the vehicle license plate as the permit enables the use of advanced license plate recognition technology for more efficient patrolling to identify vehicles in violation.   A fully integrated mobile application – Co-Pilot – compliments the LPR system.  Co-Pilot adds functionality to record any policy violation (not just permit related) such as expired vehicle registrations or flat tires.  It can also be used to further document a violation detected by the LPR system by taking additional pictures that are automatically merged with the pictures from the LPR cameras.

 Owners of Multi-Family Properties can achieve multiple objectives:

 Improve Safety and Security:  Replacing stickers with License Plates as the permit enables frequent (mobile) LPR patrolling.   This in turn discourages illicit activity in the lot (reducing risks/liabilities) and provides greater management control of the vehicles in the community.

Increase Revenue and Property Value:  PatrolWorks makes paid permitting simple.  Parking becomes an easy add-on service, much like baggage fees on an airline ticket.  Flexibility to differentiate pricing (e.g., carports, garages vs. surface lots) and to charge for guest permits adds to the upside potential.

Save Time at Properties:  PatrolWorks includes mobile-friendly web apps (portals) that enable automated workflows, and for resident “self-service” management of their parking permission.  Residents are able to transfer permits to a newly purchased vehicle or a temporary rental car and purchase permits for guests,  This frees more time for managers for sales and marketing priorities.

Increase Resident Satisfaction and Convenience:  The security improvements add to the comfort and peace of mind of residents in a societal environment where security has become an ongoing anywhere and everywhere concern.  In addition, the self-service capabilities for permitting eliminates trips to the office.

Most owners of Pay-to-Park Lots are aware that their assets are not realizing their full revenue-generating potential.  PatrolWorks enables owners to address the two most prevalent shortfalls:

Plugging Revenue Leaks:  Lost revenue from vehicle owners who choose to Not Pay or Overstay are minimized.  In contrast to most approaches, PatrolWorks replaces “hope” as a strategy by coupling permitting with frequent LPR enforcement.   Vehicle owners scan a QR code and enter their LP to purchase a parking permit.  LPR Enforcement then ensures policy compliance.  Enforcement is typically impounding (vs. immobilization) such that the vehicles in violation are no longer consuming revenue generating spaces.

Capturing Pricing Opportunities:  Many conventional offerings are limited to “fixed” pricing.  It becomes too cumbersome or labor intensive to adjust to demand patterns.  PatrolWorks accomplishes this digitally.  For example, an owner of a pay-to-park lot in KC was able, digitally, to increase permit prices to $25/hr. for the Super Bowl celebration – from their computer!

And many pay-to-park opportunities are waiting to be discovered – such as employee lots after hours, and truck stops.

The Integrated Solution

PatrolWorks features web applications (portals) for both Property Managers and Permit Holders (residents).  This design makes the functionality available on a computer or mobile phone and creates information transparency across the community.  The fully integrated architecture provides the foundation for success:

❶  A web application (portal) for property managers to digitally enter and approve permits (LPs), to view a portfolio of management reports, AND to approve pending impounds – digitally

❷  A self-service web application (portal) for permit holders for vehicle registration, obtaining permits for themselves and guests, and transferring parking privileges to a different vehicle

❸  Highly efficient detection of unauthorized vehicles using the LPR system for permitting violations – with the complementary mobile app: Co-Pilot

❹ Impounding, along with optional, multi-step enforcement protocols that could immediately require impounding, or begin with one or more notification and/or ticketing steps

The PatrolWorks software integrates all components into a complete parking management solution.  Capabilities include configurability for the policy preferences of individual properties by lot:  violations and consequences, permit pricing, grace periods and capacity caps for guest permits. 

So What’s In It For Me?

PatrolWorks with LPR enables you to grow with a business model that generates high returns for you.  The required LPR investment is NOT like repo.  There is no need for a camera system on every truck.  Typically one LPR spotter vehicle is all that is needed to patrol many lots.  (No more walking lots on an “Easter Egg hunt”.) Identified violations are sent automatically from the spotter vehicle to the Co-Pilot app in a nearby tow truck.  The payback on the LPR camera system is generally measured in months and financing is available.

You share in the processing fees for paid permits, can serve more lots, and complete more impounds!

You have an exclusive market, and you control your own destiny.  You negotiate permitting fees and your share of the processing fees.  For multi-family properties, you manage the property’s share of the permit proceeds – using them to offset lot maintenance priorities such as restriping.  You provide patrolling through a company that is not conflicted with impounding.  You contract with multiple impounding companies to expand enforcement capacity (lowering the asset intensity of your operations).

Detailing the benefits:

  • Multi-Family Residential Properties: If you are impounding 200 vehicles per month, the population of vehicles in the lots will be around 20,000.  If properties implement paid permits at $10 per month, the annual gross revenue would be $2.4 million.  This would more than cover your parking management fees.  It would generate a reserve that you could manage (for a fee) on behalf of the property for maintenance expenses such as resurfacing, striping, lighting, and/or snow removal.  This reinforces your “parking management” role and avoids any funds flowing directly to a property manager which could be misconstrued.
  • Pay to Park Lots: Managing downtown “in and out” and special event lots could generate gross revenue of over $1,000/space per month (10 hrs. per day x $4/hr.).  A portfolio of 20 lots, each with 20 spaces could generate over $6 million of gross revenue.  With enforcement, the lot owner would realize higher returns, even with you earning an above average management fee.


Could PatrolWorks with LPR be an opportunity for you to win and grow in your market with your customers?   PatrolWorks is the future of private property parking management.  You can be the leader with exclusivity in your market — profitably serving more customers and more lots, generating more impounds and new revenue sources.

To learn more, invest a few minutes to watch these videos:

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