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TOW123 Product Write-up

TOW123 is an affordable web-based tow management solution from Auto Data Direct that provides efficient, powerful business tools built for the modern tow professional. Utilizing today’s latest technology, TOW123 can equip your company to run a faster operation with features for dispatching, lot management, letter integration, reports, and mobile apps.


TOW123 can help expedite your ticket process for a more efficient operation with its dispatch support. Equipped with built-in features like Google maps, GPS device integration, and mobile app GPS tracking, you can easily monitor the status and location of each truck and driver in real-time. TOW123 also provides auto-dispatch from motor clubs, working to seamlessly connect motor club assignments directly to your

With quick ticket creation presets, dispatchers can work faster. These customizable settings auto-fill account specific ticket information, like incident contact and rates. Tools like auto-calculation enable TOW123 to add up accruing ticket rates like mileage and storage, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

Mobile App for Drivers

This mobile app enables drivers to quickly update ticket information and job status in real-time, directly from their device. The app also allows drivers to upload images or videos directly to tickets while they’re at the scene. Mobile GPS works directly with the app to route drivers to their jobs, and allows the dispatchers to track the location of the each driver from their desktop view.

Lot Management

TOW123 delivers comprehensive lot management support with a real-time ticket and payment manifest that provides at-a-glance inventory management with customizable filters and the universal search bar lets users all tickets using simple terms like vehicle color or incident contact to locate a specific ticket and view the details. From the detail view, users can add additional job information, release the vehicle, make payments, and more.

ADD Integration

TOW123 comes fully integrated with all of Auto Data Direct’s trusted services like realtime vehicle inquiries, certified letters, and NMVTIS salvage reporting. Easily access these services directly from your TOW123 account and import inquiry data directly into tickets.


The TOW123 administration tools provide real-time report generation, as tickets are updated from dispatch and lot management. These reports can be easily customized by options like date range, customer account, and lot. TOW123 reports provide detailed support for accounts receivable and payable, invoicing, lot inventory, driver commissions, law enforcement, and more.

Customizable Settings

TOW123 allows you to completely customize your account to fit your business. Add detailed profiles for your customer’s, set company’s rates, set profiles for each lot, integrate external GPS devices (currently available: TomTom, Navman, and Street Eagle), and more. You can also add an unlimited number of users to a TOW123 account, and set strict user permissions for account security.

Sign-up Info

With TOW123, there’s no contracts, no setup fees, unlimited users, free access to the mobile app, and free customer service – all for one low monthly price. Call today for a free demo or visit for more information.


TOPS towing management software is designed to manage all aspects of a tow operation from the initial tow request to the vehicle’s final disposition. The TOPS system provides a unified and sophisticated platform for call-taking, dispatching, inventory management, lien processing, and auction administration. Used by the most successful towing operations nationwide, TOPS supports single and multi-company operations, and provides individual company and roll-up accounting and management reports.

TOPS will enable your staff to work smarter with advanced tools that include powerful mobile applications for drivers and lot managers designed for the iPhone, iPad and Android mobile phones and tablets. With mobile tools, users can update call status times, upload and store call-related photos and email call receipts to customers directly from your mobile device in the field.

Within the TOPS application, enjoy enhanced data accuracy and improved employee productivity through drop-down menus, short code or type ahead field entry, prepopulation of call information and integrated swipe devices (where applicable) for quick data entry. Improve workflow and ensure employee accountability with features such as automated pricing, tow ticket management, driver and release clerk payment management
systems, and sophisticated security.

TOPS protects your interests by offering process, screen and field level security via user access roles. These access roles keep employees focused on their specific tasks, limiting their visibility into systems outside of their area of responsibility.

TOPS allows you to gain a better understanding of the big picture of your business with detailed management, customer activity, and driver and truck productivity reports. TOPS integrates with GPS, motor club, police and municipality systems, and imports directly to QuickBooks. Look for our new digital dispatch motor club tool – TOPS motor club – coming in early 2015.

For more information or to schedule a demonstration please call 866-800-8677 Opt 2 or visit our website –

TOPS driver




BudgetGPS is a vehicle and fleet tracking solution geared for any industry but specifically tuned to
support fleet management within the towing industry. BudgetGPS offers a month-to-month service (No Contracts) with low upfront and monthly cost.

BudgetGPS delivers a full set of features for a single low price. Features include: Live Map with 20-
second vehicle updates to the map with live Google traffic and map or satellite views, Historical breadcrumb view with 6 months of history; Alerts and Monitoring for PTO, GeoFence, Ignition, and Speeding; Reports including, Driver Distance, State Mileage, Stops, Speeding and more. BudgetGPS integrates with TOPS to offer a true visual dispatching tool where users are able to view vehicle locations as well as call location / destination information on the same map. (TOPS not required)

BudgetGPS uses industry leading hardware which is mounted discreetly inside the cab of the vehicle. We offer several models of hardware including OBD pluggable devices (for vehicles equipped with an OBD II port) as well as asset tracking devices.

BudgetGPS is in use in the following industries:

  • Concrete
  • Heating and Air
  • Municipalities
  • Produce and Dairy
  • Parts Suppliers
  • Propane
  • Towing
  • Trucking / Transport
  • US Mail Contractors
  • and for tracking new young drivers and college students!

BudgetGPS is developed and supported in-house by BudgetGPS!

For more information:

866-800-8677 Opt 2

Beacon Software

“Beacon software has done three major things for me. I never lose a dollar! I’ve cut down on my
expenses in my dispatch department, and it’s made every truck I own more profitable.”

-Bud Gruber Bald Eagle Towing.

Selecting the right software for your business is as important as the trucks you drive, the personnel you
employ, and the accounts you work for. You have many options for software. Getting the right fit is crucial.

Dispatch Anywhere helps you get to the root of your business needs to optimize workflow. This cloud based solution is made to accommodate any size business. Our user friendly interface allows you to create, manage, track, report, store, and bill your daily activity. Your profitability and efficiency are enhanced by removing repetitive steps in your daily operations. Depending on your needs you can build
upon Dispatch Anywhere by adding TowMagic and Motor club billing. These features allow you to integrate club/insurance calls and push them out to be paid. This creates efficiencies that reduce your need for additional resources and personnel.

Communication is streamlined with Dispatch Anywhere for Drivers. This mobile app puts the power of the call in your driver’s hands. You’ll have accountability for your team in the field with real time damage reports and paperless signatures. Information is entered one time, and everyone is on the same
page. Tracking your vehicles gives you an ideal perspective on activity, so there’s no guesswork. Sending
the right truck to a call creates an organized workflow that frees up wasted time, adding more calls per
day. Empowering your drivers to capture job information and take payments in the field reduces the time spent talking to dispatch. In addition to our mobile solutions you can integrate with multiple GPS partners. Ty Lambert of TomTom commented “Beacon Software has helped define the requirements for tow management software within the towing industry. Beacon’s integration with TomTom WEBFLEET ensures customers see the highest possible ROI on their software and telematics investment. This is achieved by improving decision making abilities, thus providing a more profitable tow with better operational efficiency and a reduction in fuel spend and maintenance costs.” Controlling your expenses increases profitability.

Beacon Software sets itself apart from other solutions by remaining current in the technology available today. We keep you up to date so you have the best tools available. Beacon was born out of a third generation towing company. For 14 years we’ve operated at the benefit of the tower and always will. We are a development company that operates 100% in-house. This allows us to control our destiny and keep a laser focus on what’s important to you. You need software that works as hard as you do, and adapts as your business grows. Make your decision for the future.

Beacon Software

Overcoming the Challenges of Water

Evans Logo

Often, new products are slow to be embraced by an industry, especially when they might appear to disrupt a well-established existing technology. Water has been used to cool engines for almost 100 years for good reasons: nothing transfers heat better than water, the cost is low, and it is abundant. The trade-off of water’s superior heat transfer capabilities vs its low boiling point and corrosiveness has defied solution by conventional coolant means. Engine manufacturers have been combating heat transfer issues with a multitude of modifications; larger fans, more efficient radiators, additives, and applying engine performance limitations.

Antifreeze was developed to overcome the shortcomings of water as a heat transfer fluid in an engine. Glycols have been used with water, usually in a 50/50 mix to protect from freezing. Corrosion inhibitors are added to help protect vehicles’ radiators, which often are composed of a range of electrochemically incompatible metals. Although corrosion inhibitors are added to the ethylene glycol water mix, they eventually drop out and the coolant needs to be periodically replaced.

As previously stated, water has superior heat transfer capabilities, but it MUST remain in its liquid state to do the job – and that is only between the temperatures of 32° F and 212°F. When water turns to vapor it loses 96% of its effectiveness, and that’s when things start to happen in a hurry.

Evans waterless coolant protects from minus 40°F to 375°F. That’s right; Evans coolant doesn’t boil until 375°F and therefore provides a wide safety margin between the operating temperature and the coolant’s boiling point.

When water begins to boil it turns to vapor, builds pressure and traps air bubbles that prevent efficient heat transfer. The vapor insulates the metal from the liquid and hot spots form. That’s where the trouble begins.

With Evans waterless coolant, no water vapor also means there is no evaporation of coolant, eliminating the need for “topping off” the system, unless of course you have a leak. Evans maintains its liquid state and provides continual liquid to metal contact.

Coolant overheating and “afterboil” have been eliminated, and your coolant system will never boil over. The coolant additives in Evans waterless formula stay suspended in the coolant nearly indefinitely, eliminating the need to change the coolant.

Typically, cooling systems have a 10 to 15 lb. pressure cap to raise the boiling point. Each pound of pressure raises the boiling point by about three degrees, which means a 15 lb. cap would raise the boiling point to over 250° F. Evans operates under a much lower pressure, (about 3 – 4 psi) decreasing stress on hoses and gaskets, reducing the likelihood of leaks. Additionally, a lower pressure brings an added safety element to the operator. Opening the cap on a hot radiator can result in severe injury to anyone within a few feet of the radiator.

Cooling system failures account for 40% of maintenance problems and the resulting downtime is costly. A high boiling point can be important in an engine running in hot, dusty, dirty conditions. A radiator can clog easily leading to overheating, severe engine damage, and costly down time. Nothing will disrupt an operation faster than an overheated engine. Missed, or delayed deliveries can cost more money than cumulative maintenance issues.

With its high boiling point, Evans has the capacity to safely operate at higher temperatures and protect the engine at temperatures well above the boiling point of water. Overheating is avoided – even with heavy loads, high temperatures and under hostile operating conditions. Continual, reliable operation under in a stressful environment may be the most valuable advantage to using a waterless coolant.

Water is universally recognized as the root cause of corrosion and erosion inside engine blocks and cooling systems. While additives do a good job of protection, they eventually fall out and protection is diminished over time.

Water contributes to pump and cylinder liner cavitation, corrosion and electrolysis, as well as hot spots that can damage engines. Cylinder liner cavitation alone can require an engine rebuild. Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) tested Evans waterless coolant in the John Deere Cavitation Test in April 2009, along with multiple water-based coolants, and the results were impressive. Evans tested about 70% better than the previously best tested coolant against cylinder liner cavitation erosion.

With Evans future replacement and disposal costs are avoided. The additives stay stable and in suspension during storage and it is not necessary to use supplemental coolant additives (SCA’s) or extenders with Evans waterless coolants. Evans is a maintenance free coolant and lifetime coolant, and chemically treated filters should be replaced with non-chemical filters after a conversion to Evans waterless coolant.

There is nothing more abundant or useful on earth as water. It sustains life and we can’t live without it. But we can live without it in our engines.

To learn more about Evans waterless cooling technology visit

Do Not Let Decreasing Fuel Prices Cause You to Lose Sight of Controlling Your Fuel Costs!

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Prices in many places are lower than they have been in several years. It is to
your benefit at this time to start examining your fuel purchases to see if you are obtaining the greatest
savings possible. Looking at a medium sized Midwest market, gasoline prices have dropped from $3.68
per gallon on July 1, 2014, to $1.96 on January 5, 2015. Are these prices here to stay? I cannot really
answer that question, however, in the last six months, has your fuel costs dropped by 46% the same as
the retail prices? If it has not, ask yourself why? Have your number of trips and dispatches went up, or
are your operators being less careful about watching their out-of-route miles, idle times, or making
unauthorized purchases using company cash or credit cards to fuel their personal vehicles? Any and all
of these things are possible which is why Automated Fuels offers companies of all sizes across the
United States a Towing Fleet Fuel Program. Our program of controls and customizations help to make
sure your fuel purchases end up in your trucks.

Automated Fuels Towing Program Controls include:

  • PIN Identification – Each Operator has a unique number that identifies them as the purchaser of the fuel in a particular vehicle.
  • Gallon Limits Per Transaction – Each Fuel Card can have a limit of the number of gallons that the card is able to purchase fuel. If a truck in your fleet has a 50 gallon tank, why would they need to purchase more than 45-50 gallons?
  • Gallon Limits Per Day/Week – Unlike the transaction limit, this control helps you limit the number of gallons in a day. If a truck in your fleet has a 50 gallon tank and you know they will go through less than two tanks a day, we can set their daily gallon limit at 100.
  • Time of Day Restrictions – If you have trucks that only operate during the day, or only operate at night, why would they need access to fuel at an off time? We can let you customize this control on a truck by truck basis. Example would be disabling purchases between 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.
  • Day Restrictions – If you only operate Monday through Friday, we could disable all cards or just specific cards on Saturday and Sunday.

Other Benefits of the Automated Fuels Towing Program include:

  • Comprehensive Fuel Management Reports
  • Tracking Miles per Gallon (MPG) for Each Truck
  • Complete Tax Breakdown for Purchases by State
  • Reduce Administrative Time Spent on Fuel Purchasing
  • iPhone & Android Apps to Help Find Closest Accepting Locations
  • Special Price Programs and Card Lock Locations
  • Increase Cash Flow with Weekly or Semi-Monthly Billing Cycles
  • Online Account Access

We can help with your fuel needs anywhere across the country. We want to give you control and confidence about your company’s fuel purchasing.

How is you company purchasing fuel?

Are you giving your drivers cash each day?
Let’s hope not, because you are probably never getting your change, and what was costing you $100 per tank in July is now only costing $55 in most places.

Are your drivers using company credit cards?
Now they have more purchasing power than they need. With monthly billing cycles, someone could take you for thousands of dollars before you even know it!

Our program is more than most “cookie cutter” fleet fuel cards. We are different! We are working with towing companies from many different states and have learned the unique demands for towing businesses. With 55,000 accepting locations and growing, WE CAN HELP YOU!

You can visit our website at or call us toll free (800) 288-6383

Wrecker Mounted Light Towers Increase Revenue and Safety

The dark of night creates the most perilous recovery conditions. Add inclement weather to the mix and the risk of property damage and injury increase dramatically. The best way to reduce these risks and increase revenue is with a wrecker mounted Night Scan HDT light tower by Will-Burt.

Night Scan HDT delivers up to 90,000 lumens of light from 15 feet overhead which turns night into day. The height reduces glare and shadows – something push-up lights and wrecker mounted lights cannot do. A wrecker mounted light tower eliminates the need for a lighting trailer which minimizes equipment and labor costs. Make more money by not only completing the job more quickly but by charging for the use of the light tower like many other tow professionals. $250 / hour is the average charge.

Optional video packages can be added to the tower to record the recovery operation. The recording can be used for billing, insurance and training.

The Night Scan HDT is available as both a vertical tower which can be mounted in a space as small as 12”
or in a fold-down version that is easily fitted on top of a tool box or other flat surface. Both versions can be incorporated into a new build or be added to an existing wrecker.

Contact Will-Burt today to learn more about how Night Scan HDT can improve your bottom line while improving safety.


SpeedTech Lights

Celebrating 10 years of business, SpeedTech Lights is a proud manufacturer and supplier of a broad
range of LED vehicle lighting. From surface mount lights, to work lights, to full size lightbars, STL has you covered from roof to tow! Shop with Confidence™, knowing your purchase is backed by a 2-5 year
warranty. Offering the best value in the industry, STL products provide the best quality and the best
performance for the best price.

  • Surface mount lights starting at $29.99!
  • IP 67 rated work lights starting at $69.99 with light outputs up to 17,600 lumens!
  • Full size, 26 head LED Tow package lightbars starting at $669.99 including a 5 year warranty! Available in TIR or Linear optics.
  • Interior lights starting at $62.99. Exterior LED and strobe Hide-A-Way headlight kits starting at $54.99.
  • We even offer LED flashlights starting at $14.99 and rechargeable LED flashlights starting at $49.99 with carrying case, wall and car charger included!

Most products are fully customizable for unique configurations specially suited for your needs. Whatever you are looking for, SpeedTech Lights has you covered. STL is an A+ rated, Better Business Bureau accredited company. At SpeedTech Lights, Trust is Earned™. Call us at 800-757-2581 or visit us on the web at

Custer Products Expanding LED Work Lights

Custer Products has introduced several new high powered work lights to their LITE*IT. The new lights range from an 8Watt PAR36 replacement light to a 9000 lumen 120Watt LED light. “We now have a LED work light to fit almost any need, helping to make the work environment safer and more productive,” said Brad Custer, president. “We’ve had a tremendous response in a short period of time on our new LED work lights.” Custer Products Ltd has been supplying quality products to the towing, agricultural, trucking, trailer and safety industries since 1993. They currently sell to a network of customers throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, South America, and Europe. Custer Products strives to provide first-class customer service, quick order fulfillment, and innovative solutions to their customer’s needs.

Call and ask about what’s new at 800-490-3158 or email


B/A Products co. has launched their new and improved website! This fully responsive website will work well with almost all new devices and allows the user to easily navigate products either by category or by using our convenient search feature. You can download our new catalog or just check in to see what’s new at B/A. Our specs and usage section is also available for even more information. Look for in-use product videos coming soon!

BA Products Open House

BA Products Co. held their 8th annual open house this past November. Shuttles ran to and from the Exposition center throughout the day bring towers out to view their facility. Live product demonstrations were given by Towmate, In the Ditch, and BA demonstrated destructive testing using their state of the art 150,000 lb. 40 foot testing bed. Food and drink was a plenty, and I’m sure enjoyed by all. BA Products also gives factory tours during this time, allowing insight of the process from raw product to finished product and the steps that are in place to make this happen. This was a great time for customers to see the work and quality that goes in to every one of their products. If you missed it this past year, make sure you put it on your calendar for 2015.

Tow Ramps

Tow Ramps are a convenient and lightweight accessory product for any tow operation. Available in several dimensions and sizes, the most popular product in the Tow Ramps line is the Flatbed HD Tow Ramps – 2 Piece – 7×10.

Tow Ramps provide safety when loading and unloading low-clearance vehicles including luxury and exotics, sports cars and modified race vehicles. Eliminating the use of unstable wood boards, Tow Ramps, made of 100% solid core construction, provide a solid low approach angle incline that helps load and unload vehicles safely.

Lightweight, the two-piece Tow Ramps can be easily maneuvered when in use and equally as convenient to store in the cab. Each 2-piece side weighs just 13.5 pounds and spans 74” long x 10” wide x 7” tall when put together. Finished with a durable coating that prevents slipping or sliding no matter the surface, Tow Ramps support up to a 10,000 pound vehicle and are virtually indestructible.

In addition to function, Tow Ramps provide a top-notch professional appearance that speaks volumes when transporting luxury and exotic cars. For ultra-low clearance vehicles, also available are Xtender Ramps which further decrease the angle of approach onto the flatbed.

With a typical two-week turnaround time, Tow Ramps can also be custom designed and produced to suit special applications.

A newly introduced product that complements any tow job is the Tow Mat which is finished with a durable coating on one side while providing comfortable support for tow truck operators on the other side as they may need to work on less than comfortable and/or ideal surfaces at times.

Tow Ramps are Made in the USA by Brute Technologies in Escanaba, MI. To see more Tow Ramps, visit or call (866) 464-2788.

Product Info
Flatbed HD Tow Ramps – 2 Piece – 7×10
Product ID: BT-TT-7-10-2
Retail: $340

Xtender Ramps for 7×10 Tow Ramps:
Product ID: BT-TT-7-EX-10
Retail: $148

Tow Mat:
Product ID: BT:TMAT
Retail: $39

Company Info:
Brute Technologies
(866) 464-2788

Benefits of Snappy Box Moving & Storage Program – Diversification & Scalability

If you are like most Tow Operators, you probably already have some level of diversification. You may use your rollback to both tow cars and transport equipment OR maybe you have both rollbacks and big wreckers so you work different types of wrecks OR maybe you have an impound yard and charge storage fees. These are all good sources of diversification.

If you are considering diversifying your business further, we suggest you continue to diversify intelligently. What (do we mean by this?) does it mean to diversify intelligently?

  • Take stock of your existing resources and start with a simple plan to expand their uses. Do you have a Rollback truck and a storage yard? How can you get more “use” out of them? Rather than starting something completely new, consider new ways to use what you already have.
  • Make sure you take measurable steps to which you and your employees can adapt. Too much change too quickly could backfire. You don’t have to do something outside of your existing skill set. Stick to what you do well-Towing!

-If done properly, diversification is SAFE and helps create more stable cash flow.

One possible option to help diversify your towing business is through the Snappy Box Moving and Storage Tow Operator Program. Snappy Box is making it easy for towing operators to use the resources they already have (such as standard rollback trucks and a storage yard) to easily add portable storage. Snappy Box uses their 11 years of industry experience to offer a turn-key management program that runs all aspects of the portable storage business and allows the operator to continue to focus on their towing business.

-The Portable Storage industry was created to provide a more convenient option for customers needing self-storage. The portable storage container is brought to the customer’s home or business where they pack it up. Once it is packed, it can be stored at the customer’s property or brought back to a portable storage company’s secure outdoor storage lot.

-With the increasing financial pressures that are facing towing operators, adding portable storage provides a way to diversify and produce consistent revenue when times are slow. On average the containers rent for about $175.00 per month and stay rented for about 6 months. When towing a portable storage unit, you get paid for the transport and collect recurring revenue from the monthly rental.

With positive growth every year for 11 straight years, Snappy Box knows how to rent containers. With your towing experience, you know how to tow containers. Working together, Snappy Box rents the containers while you focus on transporting the containers.

Snappy Box is here to help you use your existing resources to safely and slowly build on what you already do well – towing – whether it is towing a car or towing a container. -Some of the features Snappy Box provides is a sales-focused call center, online lead generation, marketing plan, billing/collections system, dispatching, social media campaign, website with quote system, landing page, and operational software.

Snappy Box sells containers uniquely designed to be moved loaded with standard rollback trucks. The containers are waterproof, stackable, collapsible, secure, quickly assembled, lightweight and aesthetically pleasing. They come in two sizes, 8’ x 16’ and 8’ x 19’. These containers are extremely durable, typically have a 30-year life cycle, can carry up to 10,000 pounds and withstand winds up to 120 miles an hour. These containers are uniquely designed for the towing industry and have four wheels that allow the containers to roll on and off your truck without damaging the bed.

With Spring coming in a few months, now is a great time to consider all the benefits of diversifying your business and finding additional sources of revenue through portable self-storage. When you diversify with Snappy Box you are able to strategically scale the growth of your business with a manageable initial order quantity because Snappy Box can ship containers in groups of 12 at a time.

Now is the absolute BEST time to get into Portable Self Storage. Most families try to move when their kids are out of school. Late Spring and Summer have traditionally been considered “moving season” – the time when most folks try to schedule moves from one house to another or schedule major home renovations. It takes 3-4 months to get containers delivered, so now is the time to order to make sure that they arrive before “moving season.”

If you are looking for a way to diversify your towing business, create additional revenue for your business, utilize your trucks and drivers through slow times, and safely scale the growth of your business, then Snappy Box Moving and StorageÂŽ may be a great solution for you. Talk to a Snappy Box representative about how portable storage can be a helpful way to diversify intelligently. To find out more about their services, check them out at or call 803-553-0002.

Jerr Dan Industry News

50/60 Ton Rotator – S130 Outriggers
Jerr-Dan proudly introduced its S130 Outrigger option for the 50/60 Ton Rotator in November at the American Towman Exhibition. Based on the proven S100 scissor style outrigger design, the S130 has been introduced in response to “Voice of the Customer” feedback requesting increased capacity at extreme reach. The S130 Outrigger option provides an increased “over the side” wrecker boom lifting capacity of up to 30% compared to the S100. We have also provided an “over the front” load chart for this option, which increases the working envelope by 40%.

Jerr-Dan’s S100 and S130 scissor style outrigger systems allow the truck to be leveled on uneven terrain. The S130 Outrigger system will level the truck on a maximum of a 7.5 degree slope (without cribbing) while providing the same 6 point platform as the S100 for greater rear and rear corner stability.

Both options also have a “Lock Out” pin system, which in combination with the claw feet, provide anchoring for side pull scenarios.

S130 Outriggers are now available on all 50/60 Ton Rotators.

Introduction of the Twin Steer JFB Body for the Rotator
Jerr-Dan proudly announces the extension of the JFB Body Series offering to accommodate Peterbilt and Kenworth Twin Steer chassis for the 50/60 Ton Rotator. The Twin Steer option is available on a 252” C.T. Kenworth or Peterbilt chassis with 40,000 lb. tandem front axles at a 108” spread. This chassis option helps to reduce the overall body length, provide better weight distribution and improved turning radius.
Focus on maximized fuel capacity and better egress to cab were priorities for this design.

The new Twin Steer body has the same features as the current JFB Body Series including; outstanding storage capacity with the ability to accommodate the Florida DOT Rapid Incident Scene Clearance (RISC) tools and rigging. The JFB features aluminum roll‐up doors with painted or brushed finish and rear & top body access. The body also includes LED interior compartment lights, 36 LED side marker lights and 8 side & 2 rear amber strobes. A wide variety of tool management system options and incident management equipment kits are available.

For more information on the Jerr-Dan JFB Body Series Rotator with Twin Steer
chassis option visit or contact your local distributor.


3-in-1 LED flare/flashlight/work light kit
(TMPRO-3-1 LED flare kit pictured above)

The TMPRO-3-1 is a sturdy US Manufactured rechargeable emergency light system. Replace chemical flares with the LED flare function, illuminate a work area with its LED work light, or utilize its ultra-bright LED flash light for increased visibility. The units’ battery life can reach more than 15 hours. System includes a rechargeable 12V DC charging base. Units start at $225 (as pictured).

TowMate Wireless Tow Lights


TowMate, the inventors of wireless tow lights, continue to provide the highest quality, most reliable, and
most innovative wireless tow light products after nearly 30 years of service to the towing industry. With
a network of dealers stretching from coast to coast, you can likely find what you need the very day you
need it. All TowMate products are made in the USA and carry a lifetime warranty on electronics and
LED’s. Call or visit your local dealer today to find the right system for you!

Go to or call (800) 680-4455 for more information.