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An Expert Witness

No one likes unpleasant Surprises

We all like good surprises, like at your birthday or graduation, or surprising your family with a vacation trip. There are other surprises that...

Are You Giving Your Customers Safety Training?

Hundreds of people have ridden in my tow trucks over the years.  I had a recent discussion with a 20+ year friend who turned...

There’s No Training Like Real Training

I happened upon an article by my new friend Barry Brownstein, and it really opened my eyes.  Perhaps the overview of the article will open...

Do you and your people meet the qualifications to be called...

I’ve been told I’m abrupt and a little brash – I prefer the idea that I’m a realist and I call things like I...

How to Deal with an Expert Witness

This year marks my 20th year as an expert witness.  In 2001, I started working directly for a law firm near Philadelphia as an...

Hiring & Firing Tactics That Might Just Get You Sued

Times have changed, so have people.  Hiring and firing used to be simple and straightforward. Lawyers now advertise on television, the internet, and the radio...

Negative Behavior Correction

As a follow-up to last issue’s article about negative behavior, complaining, and other detrimental activities your employees may be engaging in, I want to...

It’s Time to Work on Words and Attitudes

While we’re still dealing with limited business and strange social distancing restrictions, I’m hoping we can pass on some information that may help you...
expert witness, James E. Lewis

Make the most of Covid 19 Downtime and unusual circumstances

When Covid 19 surfaced, most of us thought it would go away quickly and wouldn’t put much of a dent in our businesses –...

Did You Create a Business or Just a Job?

I have come across an interesting phenomenon several times in the past few years.  I would say it is unique to our industry, but...

The Aftermath of a Business and Personal Tragedy

Many of you may have read my earlier article, “This One Got to Me,” about an older gentleman who experienced both a business and...

Insurance Ignorance

As an industry and community, we take insurance claims and the insurance process for granted since we deal with it every day.  What we...

Are You Allergic to Training?

It’s time to be honest with yourself.  Are you or your lead drivers allergic to training? Are you afraid you’ll learn something or attend...

Proactive Training or the School of Hard Knocks?

I’ve been told I’m abrupt and a little brash. I prefer the idea that I’m a realist; therefore, I call things like I see...


In the past few weeks, a tow driver in Texas was shot and killed by two men at an apartment complex in Houston.  Another...


A trifecta is usually a good thing. In the gambling world, it means that you’ve hit progressively three times in a row.  Trifecta is a...