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Technology and the Towing Industry – The TowTrax Solution

Since we are talking about the motor clubs and dispatch systems, let me point out a few things I’ve discovered as I deal with...

Tow Shows 2021

It’s getting to be that time of year where the industry looks like it starting to bounce back and vendors are registering their booth...
expert witness, James E. Lewis

Make the most of Covid 19 Downtime and unusual circumstances

When Covid 19 surfaced, most of us thought it would go away quickly and wouldn’t put much of a dent in our businesses –...

2019 Southern Tow Expo and Beach Bash An Orange Beach Blast!

This year was our best yet for Southern Tow Expo and Beach Bash in Orange Beach, Alabama! It’s been three years now since Tow...

Looking at Insurance Expenses 2024

Several months ago, a young gentleman came to ask for my help.  He wanted to get started in the towing business.  At the time,...

It was only for a minute…

I realize that in my job, I see a lot of doom and gloom and negativity – and that makes more jaded than most...

Here We Go Again

I guess round two is about to start.  Will it be as bad as the first round or could it be worse?  What we...

What Do We Face in the Future?

Two weeks ago, I was invited to the Montana State Association tow show.  They paid my expenses, and I was a guest speaker at...

Should I Sell?

If you survived 2020, how many companies asked the big question, is it time to sell. If you are in that position there are a...

Are You Giving Your Customers Safety Training?

Hundreds of people have ridden in my tow trucks over the years.  I had a recent discussion with a 20+ year friend who turned...

Planning 2024

It’s that time of the year when you make all your new year resolutions and get your company ready for 2024.  Then you hope...

No Insurance

Last month, I wrote about gas prices and how they affect everyone’s business, and I told you some things you might do to save...

Motorclubs in 2020

For the past six months TowTrax has been working with motor clubs and tow companies on how TowTrax can support the industry.   TowTrax was...


A trifecta is usually a good thing. In the gambling world, it means that you’ve hit progressively three times in a row.  Trifecta is a...

The Aftermath of a Business and Personal Tragedy

Many of you may have read my earlier article, “This One Got to Me,” about an older gentleman who experienced both a business and...

The Strength of the Towing Industry is the People

After twenty-five years in the towing industry, I finally figured out the strength of the industry, it is the people.  When I would do...