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Ranger SST The Requirements for Heavy Duty Operations Have Been Designed In

Ranger delivers a complete tow management solution (TMS) for LD towing and roadside assistance – from call-taking (including DD connections with motor clubs), to proprietary, best-in-class GPS tracking/mapping, to storage lot management (with QR code facilitated physical inventory management) to accounting (with multiple process options to link pricing and payments to QB).  In addition, there are options for reaching your local market customers directly, by-passing those in the middle.

From Ranger’s founding in 2004, the requirements for Heavy Duty applications has been an integral part of the TMS design.  Specialized capabilities are included for:

• Transport and Heavy-Duty Hauling applications, and

• Heavy Duty Towing

Transport and Heavy-Duty Hauling

Markets: Ranger serves customers in three distinct lines of business:

Equipment Moves: This is often construction and large agricultural equipment.  However, it could also be generators or large fabrications, or “base camps” for agencies responding to a natural disaster

Vehicle Transport:  The most common application is hauling cars to a central auction location or scrap yard.  But it could also be for relocating vehicles among a network of collision repair shops to achieve their business objectives for load leveling

Containers:  With the growth of multi model transportation, there are increasing opportunities to transfer containers and specially designed shipping trailers to and from rail facilities, warehouses, and company loading docks 

The common thread among these lines of business is the opportunity for the advance planning of operations.

Benefits: The capabilities in Ranger offer customers a range of distinctive benefits

• Optimize truck utilization and scheduling, including backhauls

• Insert “last-minute” customer requests/changes – easy rescheduling

• Alert/prepare drivers the evening before the scheduled job, including implications for time of departure

• Reduce hassle for dispatchers – auto-assignment of jobs to drivers

• Track and invoice multi-task jobs leveraging the capabilities of the mobile device (load, pick-up, drop-off)

• Identify and resolve issues while they are still small, e.g., a missed on-time departure by a driver

Process: Step 1 – Planning

The drag & drop planning process aligns jobs/assignments with trucks and drivers.  New jobs are entered like other tow jobs along with the scheduled arrival time. These jobs are shown as horizontal bars in the planning grid.  To assign, the bars are moved from the top row (Unassigned) to a designated truck (then Assigned).  The “hover over” on each bar provides the Transport Manager with details on the load, required truck or trailer type, the pick-up location, and the promised arrival time. 

Where multiple loads are anticipated – e.g., cars to auction – managers can simultaneously view the pick-up location of open and currently scheduled jobs to optimize truck assignments (e.g., which cars to pick-up with the 4-car carrier vs. a rollback).

The assignment of drivers to trucks is also a drag & drop “mapping”

Process: Step 2 – Notify Drivers the Day Before

This step is “one-click”.  By clicking the “Send Notification” button, Ranger will automatically forward the calls assigned to a driver, to the driver’s cell phone – typically a text message.

The driver simply clicks on the link in the text message, logs in, and can then view his assignments for the next day.  Importantly, the driver knows both what equipment (truck, trailer) to use, and the system-generated departure time.  Most companies make on-time arrival the responsibility of the driver, however Ranger provides some guidance on the needed departure time.  For example, it would be common for the Transport Manager to configure a rule such as distance divided by 45 mph, + 30 minutes (as a safety factor). 

It is also common for the Manager to receive a customer request that alters the plan – often within minutes of sending the notifications.  While frustrating, it is not a big problem.  The Manager can adjust the schedule as needed, click the “Send Notifications” button again, and only those drivers that are affected by the change will be re-notified.

Process: Step 3 – Automatic Assignment of Calls to Drivers

Since Ranger has calculated the suggested departure time, the TMS “knows” when to expect a log-in by the driver.  The Ranger TMS starts watching for the driver log-in, and when received will automatically send the driver’s job(s) for the day to the driver’s mobile application – CommLinkTM.   This is the same mobile app that is used for other towing (with navigation and picture-taking – e.g., the Bill of Lading).   

The automatic assignment eliminates the frequent morning congestion in Dispatch.  The “routine” is handled by the Ranger TMS – dispatchers can focus on the exceptions. 

A frequent use case is the assignment of a truck/trailer to an equipment rental customer who wants the capacity for the entire day and will make assignments upon the driver’s arrival.  Ranger terms these:  Multi-Task jobs.

A Multi-Task job is indicated in the notification message to the driver, and Ranger eliminates the usual paperwork.  For each load, the driver enters the load, pick-up location, and drop-off location into Ranger’s mobile app.

Dispatch has visibility to work-in-progress, and the information entered by the driver is incorporated automatically into the invoice.

Process: Step 4 – Identify Issues and Track Progress

Ranger translates the process information into an operational dashboard for the Transport Manager.  This provides visibility to potential issues (e.g., did the driver over-sleep) before they become major problems.

Heavy Duty Towing

The basics for HD Towing are like LD Towing – e.g., dispatching and GPS tracking and mapping.  However, the handling of the unique characteristics can make a huge difference in operations.  Some capabilities in Ranger, designed specifically for HD Towing:

  • Unlimited Extras for detailed invoicing – from airbags, to forklifts, to extra labor, to pallets, to unloading, to safety supervisors – any and all services delivered can be preconfigured with different rates by customer for automatic inclusion on the invoice
  • Multiple trucks/services on one invoice with one-click – e.g., for a recovery: include the rotator to upright the 18-wheeler, the HD wrecker to tow the power unit, the tractor/trailer to tow the freight trailer, and the service vehicle for site clean-up
  • Job-related driver commissions based on their role in providing services – e.g., for the recovery – rotator vs. HD Wrecker vs. clean-up (charges for each service provided by the driver multiplied by the commission rate for each service/driver)
  • Easy split invoicing – e.g., for the carrier vs. the insurance company; for the towing vs. the storage of the power unit vs. the storage of the trailer
  •  Consistent pricing where needed, for example:

    − Regulated rates applied to the job as set by different agencies
    − Easy “smoothing” of hourly charges to avoid unwanted questions from customers on variances caused by circumstances such as traffic congestion
  •  Flexible pricing – “pricing-on-the-fly” for unusual situations – e.g., weather
  •  Differentiated pricing – by shift – based on negotiated rates for each commercial customer, both hourly, and “hook & miles”
  •  Mobile app for driver notes (voice to text) and picture-taking

Heavy Duty Reliability

Functionality without reliability (e.g., high uptime, no app “crashes”) is of little value.  Reliability is often an afterthought until the system is not working.  Ranger has more experience in successfully operating a completely “cloud-based” tow management solution (SaaS – Software as a Service) than anyone else.   Ranger has over 15 years of “lessons learned” – eliminating the “glitches” that others are still discovering.

And, Ranger has invested heavily for reliability/uptime.  The solution is hosted in a commercial data center with redundant internet, power, and cooling — with the latest in physical and logical security.  All data is backed up nightly.  There is redundancy built into each component of the Ranger infrastructure architecture.  And in a “worst case” scenario, Ranger even has a disaster recovery solution in place to fail-over to a different data center location.  Ranger HD functionality comes with HD reliability.

Ranger SST for Heavy Duty — advanced technology for superior performance.  If you are looking to grow your top and bottom lines, give us a call and let us put Ranger Service Solutions Technology to work for you!

For more information or 440.498.1495

It’s Time to Work on Words and Attitudes

A middle age man yelling and pointing during an argurment. Anger Managment???
A middle age man yelling and pointing during an argurment. Anger Managment???

While we’re still dealing with limited business and strange social distancing restrictions, I’m hoping we can pass on some information that may help you be a better business owner and manager.  It’s time to work on those people who bring others down in your crew because of their words and attitudes.

In my recent book “Profit and Loss:  The High Cost of Complaining (and other negative behaviors),” I chose the term “complaining” to head up a large group of verbal negative behavior methods simply because most of what I’m going to address deals with complaining in some form or another.  There are several other verbal methods with which a person can exude a negative attitude, and we can draw a larger picture with the terms bitching, whining, and complaining.

Before we press into actual scenarios and remedies, let’s establish what complaining is, at least in the categories that I’m addressing.

Complaining is negative speech from one person to another, or it can take written or electronic form.  There are many facets to the initial complaining action, and even more divisions and tangents after the words are expressed.  In the scenarios I draw out, you’ll notice quite a few tangents that this communication can take, each with a significant impact on the individuals involved.

I’ll be referring to these “complaining qualifiers” throughout this publication, and will ask you to look back at these statements as we explore more detailed developments.

Complaining qualifiers – items that the complainer assumes when they began speaking negatively.  They are:

  1. The complainer assumes that the person or group listening to their complaints actually wants to hear their statements.

    This assumption usually transcends professionalism, character, and personal desire.  The complainer chooses to make an unprofessional move and force his/her audience into listening.

  2. The complainer assumes that their issue or issues is/are more important than anything else the audience has going on at the time.
  3. The complainer assumes that there is nothing more important to do at the time, be it work or personal tasks, that outweigh the significance of voicing the complaint.

Throughout this article, I’ll be drawing on and explaining scenarios I’ve experienced, and then explain the numerous tangents developed after the initial complaint or attitude.  These include customer perception, fellow employee perception, business owner observations, and financial impact.

Many of my scenarios involve retail experiences.  I’ve traveled for work for many years, and deal with fast food employees, those working in service stations, trucks stops, and “sit-down” restaurants.  By no means are these scenarios limited to these customer service positions.  The same rules apply to warehouse workers, folks in an auto parts store, an insurance agency, or lawfirm.

Let’s go over the general properties of the complainer themselves.  Please understand that these are generalizations, and you as a business owner, manager, or employee are encouraged to survey and determine for yourself exactly what you’re dealing with in the people you contact.

Emotionally weak – despite at times being loud and demanding of you to hear their complaints, most people who complain regularly, or as a matter of constant conversation (more later), are very emotionally weak.  This weakness can be attributed to several factors:  the person has never had serious responsibility, thus never “grew up”; the person has never been a supervisor and had to deal with the drama and repercussions caused by someone like themselves; the person simply stopped maturing, either at the point of a drastic incident or event, or just when they decided to quit taking responsibility for their actions, or were no longer challenged for accountability.

Most complainers are very insecure in their positions, insecure in their manhood or womanhood, and their only successful way of being assertive or proactive is to be negative and complain or whine.

It is often that you have grown adults who whine, complain, and throw temper tantrums, always walking around with a chip on their shoulder – I call them “Forty-year-old adolescents.”

Pettiness – being petty takes many forms.  People who you may not expect to act this way may surprise you by becoming exceptionally trivial and picky about minor details – a facet of being petty.  Ignorance on a particular subject or in general, arrogance, and a lack of maturity can all lead to the end result of petty behavior.

The competitor – many of us have seen this guy or girl.  One person whines that they had to work two hours of overtime last week, and this person jumps in, claiming that they had to work four hours.

The one-upper – this person is like the competitor, although while the competitor may be slightly reasonable, the one-upper has to go to outlandish lengths to make sure another person can’t get close to competing with him.  This usually causes huge amounts of tension and anguish in the work environment.

The game of one-upmanship is a conscious struggle for psychological superiority often employing passive – aggressive behavior to specifically demoralize or dis-empower the thinking subject making the aggressor look more knowledgeable, or having experienced more.

The know-it-all – while this person may not be particularly good at his job, or punctual, or professional, you’d never know it according to them.  They have to be in charge at every occasion making sure to boast that they know more about a job or task than others present.  This is guided by strong insecurities and can be addressed fairly easily.

The know-it-all is usually a person who constantly presents their input as though they were professionally trained, schooled, or have firsthand insight into subjects when it is evident this is not the case. Opinions, suggestions, thoughts, and commentary from everyone else is quickly shot down as incorrect, nonsensical, and disruptive.

The problem with the know-it-all is two-fold:  if allowed to run things like they want, they’ll anger and alienate your entire crew and disrespect your position usually indicating that they don’t need supervision.  If corrected, they’ll throw a temper tantrum and cause work interruptions.

Not my job – this person studied their job description with a magnifying glass and balks at any mention of helping someone with a joint task or team project, because it’s not their job or in their job description.  This type of person has little pride or honor, and has no problem watching a pregnant lady take out a heavy garbage can when they could have easily pitched in and helped out of courtesy.  Ironically, this person is also the one to scream the loudest when they don’t get a huge raise or a promotion, since they do “their job” so well.  The problem is that is all they’ll do is what is on an outline of duties.

The interrupter – the impact seen because of this person seems obvious, but it isn’t.  It is good to encourage “visiting” sessions during slow times at work, as many people pick up valuable training and information in a casual environment, and you can utilize your experienced people in this capacity.  The interrupter always jumps the gun and has to be the center of attention, and the most important person on hand – the smartest person in the room, as it were.

They’ll interrupt someone’s story or account with “That’s nothing, check out what happened to me.”  In other words, what the first person just said is worthless, means nothing, but what I’m going to tell you now is worth listening to.  Even the most courteous and patient employee will stop talking and participating after a couple of these interruptions.

The interrupter loves to hear themselves talk.  No one’s account of an incident is as good or accurate as theirs.  They’ll step on someone just to get their version in so the crowd can hear it.

The interrupter usually complains the loudest, and because they step on others’ words, their complaints ring the clearest.

The whiner – this one appears harmless, but can cause a manager or supervisor the most stress.  A new schedule will be posted, or a change in work rules, and people will talk about it in a group.  This person usually stays behind after a meeting to go directly to the manager or supervisor for their version of why this or that won’t work.

They usually have an actual whine to their voice, and wear their feelings on their sleeves.  If you dismiss them, don’t hear them out fully, or don’t address their concern(s), they’ll take it very personally…producing pouting, sullenness, anger, tantrums, or worse.  We should agree that none of these emotions being displayed in a workplace is a mature response and has any right being shown in a professional environment.

Who’s the Boss When You are Gone

I was doing a seminar in Baltimore several years ago and after the seminar a company owner came up to me after the class and told me he had a problem.  He said I hate my drivers and they hate me.  Obviously that’s not a good position to be in, but I find that when I talk to tow companies it’s not uncommon that owners and employees sometimes find it difficult to get along.

When I do a seminar, I tell the attendees you can go out on the show floor and find anything you need as it relates to towing.  The only thing that will make you different than your competitor is your employees. When I got into the towing business, I knew nothing about towing, but I did know a lot about business.  I knew I had to learn from my employees.  I started to define what I wanted my company to look like.  I looked at the following:

  • I wanted to play by all the rules established by the state of Texas
  • I wanted employees that I could trust
  • I established morals and ethics I wanted my employees to live by
  • I wanted the customer to come first
  • I wanted to look professional
  • I wanted all my trucks to look the same
  • I wanted my employees to wear uniforms

The first thing I did was identify who did not fit into what I wanted to establish.  I had to let go of a few people.  The rest I trained to do the work the way I wanted.  Then I hired a few positions that I felt I needed to be successful. 

After about 6 months I had the staff I wanted and was heading in the right direction.  I provided them with the necessary training they needed to do their job.  My thinking was I wanted the company to run when I was not in the office.  That’s the mindset I want you to establish in your company.  I know you think I do not have anyone you can trust, or who has the ability and knowledge to run the day to day operation.  To be successful, I feel you need to be out of the day to day operation and let your staff make decisions. 

Keep in mind they talk to your customers every day and they have established a good working relationship.  You have a dispatcher that makes $12 a hr. and talks to your biggest customer every day and with great success.   I learned early that if you show confidence in your employees they will respond with great success.  As I went through this learning process they made mistakes, but I would pick them up, dust them off and send them out again.  By the end of my training session they were doing a better job than me because they were involved in the day to day operations.

I had 35 employees in my company so I decided to take about 5 key people out to lunch and give them a little survey.  I ask them questions like:

  • Who was the best employee
  • Who was the worse employee
  • Who was the best driver
  • Who was the worse driver
  • Who was the best dispatcher
  • Who was the worse dispatcher
  • Who was the key employee of the company

When I first opened the door to my company, a sales person came to me from another company, and I would have loved to hire him but I was not sure I could afford him.  I went ahead and hired him and worked out some pay options.  He had a personality that was awesome in sales, but all my employees thought he was a pain in the ass.  Every tow company in Dallas knew of him, and they all had the same opinion. 

The survey opened my eyes to what I was not seeing in my company.  They all agreed on the best employee.  I did not agree with them on the best driver.  Their criteria were different than mine.  After they explained why their selection was different than mine, I agreed with their choice.  My choices for best driver and best dispatcher were also different from theirs.  What I found out about the dispatcher was my best choice but was their worse choice.  Again they explained to me and I agreed.  The problem was this was my highest paid dispatcher. 

I guess the biggest surprise was the key employee.  They agreed with my choice.  I chose the person that was the pain in the ass and surprisingly they all agreed with me.  That told me that as much as they thought he was a pain, they also realized the value he brought to the company.  This survey showed me a few things:

• I did not know my employees like I thought I did.   

• The people who work with each other on a daily basis will know the strengths and weaknesses of each employee.

• My employees realized the value of key employees. 

• It also told me that I have some good managers and I trained them well.

As we walked away from our lunch, I realized that I had people I could trust with my company.  We trained the employees that were the worse and placed them on an improvement program.  I took my highest paid dispatcher and told him I expected more out of him and for his performance to improve.  I also took my key employee and told him that no matter what others thought about him they all valued him as the key employee to the company.

Since that lunch, when my wife and I would go on a vacation, we would let my key employee be in charge and I knew he had the support of the other employees.  I was never afraid to go

on vacation after that because I knew I had my employees working together to be successful.   What a difference it makes knowing you can leave for a period of time and know you will have a company to come back to.

Webfleet Asset Tracking

Webfleet Solutions, one of the world’s leading telematics solution providers, is helping fleets reduce the risk of equipment theft and improper usage with a new capability for asset tracking within WEBFLEET, released today to United States fleet customers and business owners. WEBFLEET Asset Tracking gives companies new ability to visualize the position and usage of their powered assets, such as trailers, generators and other equipment from a single interface with the position of vehicles and assets are displayed on a clear map view.

According to recent data, the United States has the second highest cargo theft rate in North America, and annual estimates of the cost of equipment theft vary from about $300 million to $1 billion, with most estimates in the range of $400 million.

With WEBFLEET Asset Tracking, fleet operators can choose to be alerted when an asset is being used, when it leaves a designated area or when any motion is detected. This helps reduce both the risk of theft and the likelihood of improper usage. Notifications can also be setup to alert the user when maintenance is required, which helps to preserve the value of the asset.

“Our focus is always on providing insight and making the working process simpler, safer and more efficient,” said Matt Gunzenhauser, Director of Sales of USA & Canada of Webfleet Solutions. “And that’s precisely what Asset Tracking does.”

For more information, visit

Hino L Series

Introducing the all new Hino L Series trucks, replacing our conventional lineup. Now known as the L6 and L7, you will immediately see the new exterior design including a bolder front fascia and optional LED headlights to make sure you are able to safely navigate the roads in style.

Open the door and you will be greeted with a re-engineered interior with high-end automotive grade finishes built with commercial use durability and an eye towards increased functionality. New steering wheel controls, a large 7” LCD multi-information display, more storage and increased leg room all make your “office” safer and more comfortable.

Speaking of safety, the new Hino L Series has integrated an entire suite of new safety systems to ensure you and your cargo get where they need to be quickly and safely. Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Collision Mitigation System (CMS) Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Active Cruise Control (ACC) and a driver’s seatbelt sensor are all there to protect you mile after mile.

Finally, the new L series is maximizing your business’s functionality with new wheelbase options, extended cab, and crew cab configurations. No matter what your business needs, there’s a Hino L Series there to help you do more.

For more information on the Hino L Series vist:

Modifications to the HOS rules for added flexibility

Webfleet Solutions, one of the world’s leading telematics solution providers, dedicated to fleet management, vehicle telematics and connected car services, integrates with M2mDatasmart to provide WEBFLEET customers with the technology and ELD compliance that they require to operate their fleet. The in-vehicle technology offers an accurate electronic record of miles driven, time on the road, and progress on the route.

While electronic driver logs are becoming more important, the real benefit of the Hours of Service application lies in its impact on planning and business efficiency. Jim William, VP of Sales of M2mDatasmart, explains how the updates of the HOS regulations can influence your towing business. 

The FMCSA is revisiting four of their HOS regulations. These new revisions will go into effect on September 29, 2020, at midnight. These new adjustments to the regulations will provide more flexibility without adversely affecting safety.

The first modification expands the short-haul exception. For local drivers, the distance limit of 100 air-mile radius will be expanded to 150 air miles. Previously, this exception was only available to non-CDL drivers using a commercial vehicle over 10,000 lbs. The commercial vehicle (including a tow truck) requires an ELD device and software even when the driver had chosen an exempt status. With the 150 air-mile rule, the towing industry is given added flexibility. You can cross state lines and drive in multiple jurisdictions without recording On Duty Driving versus On Duty Not Driving time. The ELD application merely records the time simply as On Duty. Property hauling and agricultural use carriers are also given the same added flexibility. Remember, this is an exception to the federal rules.  Most intrastate rule sets will eventually change to match the federal rules but may not immediately. Travel across state lines is permitted within the 150 air-miles radius exemption but if you normally use the rules for your state and you exceed the 150 air-mile radius you must continue to use Federal rules for your next complete 70 or 80-hour duty cycle. The total maximum on-duty time is also extended from 12 hours to 14 hours, but remember that the workday begins with the first DVIR inspection.

The second change will expand the on-duty driving window during adverse conditions by up to two hours. The hazardous driving exception of FMCSA 395.1(b)(1) can be used to extend driving hours in addition to on-duty hours in a single day. In the Federal system, the new totals will be 13 driving hours and 16 on-duty hours. The towing industry has long benefited from the 16 hours “Big Day” rule that is available once per week under FMCSA 395.1(o). That provision has not changed but from a practical standpoint; if you needed the 2 Hour Driving extension for Adverse Driving conditions previously, you were also forced to use that provision immediately or risk a violation.

The final rule will also allow more flexibility in breaks by requiring a 30-minute break only after 8 hours of driving time instead of 8 hours of on-duty time. On-Duty, Not Driving time will qualify for the break, allowing drivers to use the time to refuel or unload. Drivers will still be required to take a full 30-minute break at one time.

Lastly, modifications to split sleeper berth will allow the 10-hour minimum off-duty requirement to be split into a 7-hour sleeper berth break and 3 hours of off-duty time. The old rule requires 8 hours sleeper berth with 2 hours of off-duty time. Drivers will be able to choose between the 8/2 or 7/3 split. As before, a full 10 hours is still required before the cycle can be reset and the rest breaks can be taken in any order. You must be driving a truck with a full sleeper berth to use this provision.

The FMCSA has been considering updating the regulation for the last 2 years based on feedback from industry leaders. We commend them for these changes. These modifications will save motor carriers and shippers millions of dollars while adding flexibility to the drivers’ workday. Bravo

For more information, visit


How do you tow vehicles without wheels and tires? In the world we are in today, stolen wheels and tires are a problem for tow pros everywhere. Just last year, a manager of a Louisiana car dealership started his day with 124 wheels stolen from vehicles on his lot overnight! Statistics show that the number of stolen wheels and tires is increasing in cities across the U.S. Then there are flat tire situations, blowouts, and complete tire separations. All present quite the challenge for towing professionals. Especially since 35% of all new vehicles come without spares.  As a towing professional, what is the best way to get these vehicles up on your flatbed or dolly and safely tow to the nearest shop?

We’re excited to introduce a revolutionary new tool for the towing & recovery industry. GUNIWHEEL™ is the world’s first universal-fitting vehicle mounting system in a tire a wheel design. With GUNIWHEEL™, you can safely mount and move any vehicle that has missing or damaged wheels and tires. GUNIWHEEL™ is a solid steel wheel with an airless polyurethane rubber exterior. It’s patented universal-fitting lug pattern system easily mounts on all current passenger vehicles thereby reducing the need to carry multiple spares or “donuts” to move vehicles onto tow beds and trailers.

Weighing just 34 lbs. and 22.5” D x 3” W, GUNIWHEEL™ is a compact solution to keep inside your towing compartment or neatly stacked on your tow bed. Each GUNIWHEEL™ can hold up to 2,500 lbs. – strong enough to install on all four-wheel hub locations. They can be driven at a max speed of 5mph and are primarily used to move vehicles on and off tow beds, drive on lots, and into body shops for vehicle repair.

GUNIWHEEL™ currently comes in two models: GUNIWHEEL™ 45 is for most standard size vehicles with 4 & 5 lug patterns. GUNIWHEEL™ 56 is for bigger trucks, vans, and large SUV’s with 5 & 6 lug patterns.

NEW PRODUCTS: GUNIWHEEL 80, (24” D x 3.5”) for big 8 lug trucks and vans available late 2020.  GUNISPARE, an emergency temporary wheel for standard size cars and light SUV’s that incorporates the same universal fitting technology, but in an air-filled tire. Speed rated at 50 mph – available late 2020.


For more information, visit

Jerr-Dan Parts is expanding

Jerr-Dan Parts is expanding its assortment to include Buyers Products Toolboxes and Brackets. Manufactured and assembled in the USA, Buyers offers a range of toolboxes with emphasis on customer value. Brand reputation, especially one of durability and dependability is essential to Buyers, and they are proud to partner with Jerr-Dan in order to provide customers with top toolbox and bracket selections. Built with durable materials like carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and polyethylene, these toolboxes come in different styles and sizes, which are all available for purchase through a Jerr-Dan distributor.

To learn more, visit or contact your nearest Jerr-Dan distributor.

Robert Young’s NRC Sales & Service – The Quick-Swap

The NRC Quick-Swap is the most versatile detach unit available on the market today!  If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to grow your business, look no further.  Give Chris Davis a call today @ 540.797.2567.


Under-lift Rating – Up to 35 TONS

Tow Rating – Up to 90,000 lbs.

Basic Weight – 6,000 lbs.

Quick-Swap w/Tag Axle

Under-lift Rating – Up to 35 TONS

Tow Rating – Up to 90,000 lbs.

Basic Weight – 8,000 lbs.

Heavy Duty Quick-Swap

Minimum Wheelbase – 250”

Double Frame Recommended

Super Heavy Duty Quick-Swap

Minimum Wheelbase – 275”

Double Frame Recommended


Calls for quickly moving vehicles with broken ball joints continue to grow. While many use skates or Go-Jacks, many tow-ers find that due to their inability to safely load and secure a vehicle, especially on the aluminum bed roll back wreckers, they find the need for a sturdier device.

Steck’s  4th Wheel Loader is a tough 24” x 14” hardened aluminum fabricated platform with two 4” x 10” Polypropylene roller wheels, six 5/8” holes for mini-J hooks for loading assistance and 1” axles which provides a safe platform to easily hold and secure up to 5 tons while loading a vehicle.  The 4th Wheel Loader also includes two shims that allow the driver to raise the vehicle with busted ball joints, lost wheels and severely bent axles and place it at a desired height for secure loading on the roll back. The Loader is 4” high (without shim blocks) with a built in 6” X 1 ” handle which will allow you to store the 25 lb. Loader behind your seat or tool box. Quicker loading and unloading while preventing further damage to vehicles by allowing the driver to center, pull and properly secure the vehicle on the roll back bed as well as preventing bed damage to the roll back.

We have also found that the shops where the towers drop the damaged vehicle has a similar problem because Go-Jacks do not work well outdoors, which result in many damaged floor jacks trying to move the vehicle into the shop. The 4th Wheel Loader with its two Polypropylene wheels works well in gravel and dirt to move the vehicle directly into the repair bays and frame racks.

Lift & Tow


Lift & Tow, the original creators of the hidden wheel lift, is a leader in providing solutions that make towing jobs easier and more efficient. 3 Series wheel lifts deliver a cost-effective way to get the professional towing capabilities you require without having to purchase a traditional tow truck. Our wheel lifts for sale are simple to install and use, saving you time and reducing the manual labor involved in towing cars and trucks.


The 3 Series is a slide-in wrecker boom that attaches to the underbody of your pickup truck and is completely hidden from view when not in use. It’s an excellent towing solution for municipalities and commercial towing companies as well as independent tow truck drivers and repo agents. The sub-frame is adjustable in width and length for the most versatile hidden tow boom available on the market with 3,500lbs lifting capacity, and 7,500lbs towing capacity. Your trucks will look and drive like normal, with the “hidden” ability to tow vehicles in as little as 35 seconds. The 3 series system costs just $3,995.00.

5 Series 

Lift & Tow’s 5 series system is the advanced version of the 3 series system.

Similar to the 3 series model, the 5 series is a hidden wheel system that rests underneath your truck to tows cars, pickup trucks and vans. The system has adjustable arms (12’’-17”) and wheel lift shoes that expand to fit myriads of uniquely shaped vehicles. Additionally, the 5 series model has a hydraulic control system that extends 62’’ from the back edge of the bumper.

The most significant difference between the 5 series and the 3 series model is that the 5 series powers up and down, as well as in and out. Additionally, it has a 4,000-pound lift and 8,000- pound tow, providing drivers with the convenience of powering the boom out. Give us a call if you have any questions about our systems. The 5 series system costs just $5,495.00, when you see how it will make your business more efficient, you will see a nice return on your original investment.

“I first saw Lift &Tow a few years ago and I bought my first unit which was a 5 series … I used it and fell in love and decided to start selling and installing these units. They are truly amazing units, very strong and best of all you get to utilize the bed. We are a New York City only authorized Lift & Tow dealer … working hand in hand with Gene Hurst at Lift & Tow. We service and install all of the tri state area, We have installed these units on NYC’s best chase trucks, around.” — Autorino Motorsports Brooklyn, NY 11208

Z Series Towing Equipment

Lift & Tow’s Z series system is a tow truck driver’s best friend, as drivers can complete towing jobs without even stepping out of their trucks. The Z series does not require manual labor, making a tow truck driver’s job safer while saving him time and money.

All tow truck drivers have to do is back up their truck to the vehicle they plan to tow and press a button on their remote; the system will take care of the rest. With this level of convenience comes enhanced safety as drivers are spared the risk of stepping out into high-volume traffic. The lift powers in and out, and up and down, and open and close, all maneuvers as directed by the remote. The Z series can lift up to 4,000 lbs. and tows up to 8,000 lbs.

The Z series comes with all the necessary tools and installation instructions, although we also offer professional installation services for our customers. The Z series system costs just $7,995.00.

Z Series Key Features

  • Greaseable
  • Each pivot point on the lift has a standard grease nipple for easy lubrication.
  • Built to Last
  • Made with 3/8 inch steel plating and professionally welded, our hand assembled lifts are the toughest in the business.
  • Powder Coating

All lifts are finished with a shiny black powder coat that will hold up to the weather and daily use.

Pivot Head

Made with 2 layers of 3/8 inch steel, and spanning 12 inches, we have built the strongest pivot head ever.

Weight Capacity

  • The Z-Series has been designed and tested to lift 4,000 pounds and tow 8,000 pounds with ease. Self Loading
  • The Z-Series has folding arms that allows for easy concealment while maintaining self-loading capabilities.

Hitch Receiver

A hitch receiver is welded under the boom of the lift to maintain standard tow-ing functionality.


One year limited warranty on manufactured parts.

We stand by our product and service that we sell. We have every part in stock to keep the tower up and running. Lift & Tow specializes in simplifying the towing process. Our innovative tow-ing equipment is not only quick and efficient; they are also compatible with a myriad of different vehicles, negating the need to purchase a separate tow truck or rollback. Best of all, the equipment is hidden when not in use and is easy to use!     

Our latest innovation from Lift & Tow

Lift & TowA brand-new product has just been released, our very own line of Wheel Dollies. These dollies come in either a #3000lb or 4,000lb capacity. These new dollies are heavy duty and weigh about 52lbs per. The dollies use a cam lock, locking mechanism, are very user friendly, and have an upgraded crossbar with heavy duty locking pins. The dollies use sealed bearings for longer life and are repairable and rebuildable. Visit today, and check out our full line of products, all proudly American made!.


Jerr-Dan MPL-NG or MPL-NGS Models

If you are in the repo business, it’s likely that you already know what you’re looking for: a durable truck that gets the job done efficiently. Look no further than the Jerr-Dan MPL-NG or MPL-NGS models. Jerr-Dan’s standard wrecker line-up includes an MPL-NG and MPL-NGS that offer a quick and speedy recovery. Sold by authorized Jerr-Dan distributors, either model offers you durability, versatility, and the efficiency to get the job done. The underlift on both models come standard with a 90-degree pivoting head, with an 8,000 lb. winch option or without a winch – allowing you to recover a parallel parked vehicle with ease.

Whether you choose to add a winch or not, Jerr-Dan designed the NG and NGs with efficiency and the operator in mind. Stay in your cab and use the in-cab remote to control and lower the underlift down to the desired level parallel to the ground. With the standard adjustable auto-level stop assist system, the underlift will automatically halt when it’s level to the ground which will prepare you to extend the self-locking L-Arms at the necessary level to complete the pick. Setting the underlift and L-Arms to be aligned at the perfect level is essential during any recovery.

The capacities on the NG and NGS allow for a 4,000 lb. lift when the underlift is fully extended. A winch capacity of 8,000 lbs. comes complete with 3/8” X 75’ wire rope, including the manual free spool and rope tensioner.

Other features on both models include multiple grid options from manual L-Arms, pivoting L-Arms, or fixed L-Arms. Whether you are towing low-clearance sports cars or motorcycles, the customizable wheel lift packages for each model let you take on more jobs, faster.

The NG is built with an aluminum, modular body to meet the needs for you and your business. Just as durable is the NGS, configured with a steel body that has a steel diamond plate deck. Whether you desire a steel body or aluminum, modular body, either model comes off the line with a standard back-up alarm and Low-Maintenance NoLube™ technology or, are available with optional grease fittings.

If your goal is to get the job done as efficiently as possible—look no further than the durable Jerr-Dan MPL-NG or MPL-NGS for your next recovery.

Find a Jerr-Dan distributor today or learn more about the MPLs here. Jerr-Dan is committed to supporting you after the sale. Contact a distributor today for all your parts and service needs

Collins Dollies

135 miles – 35 of those through rough dirt roads, 100 highway miles. That is the recent log of a professional tower, one of many throughout the week that come in from motorists being stranded or local businesses servicing vehicles. Each one an opportunity to help, grow business and provide for a family. On this particular 90-degree day, the vehicle was off the beaten path (literally an unpaved road) in the eastern Oregon desert hundreds of miles from town round-trip, leaving the tower to figure out a way to bring the vehicle back safely. So, he turned to his equipment – a wheel lift and Collins Dollies, confident that they could shoulder the load down the rough, dusty track. Confident because he’s done it before. Therefore, he chooses Collins Dollies.

Collins Hi-Speed Dollies came about to increase the safety and speed that a vehicle could be recovered. Prior to that, dollies were completely assembled underneath a vehicle after using a jack to raise it high enough. Though a great invention for their time and capabilities, these pan dollies were heavy and exposed the operator to roadside hazards for an extended period because of the time it took to assemble. Collins Hi-Speed Dollies improved upon this concept and changed the towing industry with a self-loading dolly in 1972. Their Hi-Speed name is partly due to quicker setup and tow times since the dollies themselves were used to raise the vehicle.

Collins Hassell, the namesake of Collins, had an entrepreneurial background gained through life’s experiences in creatively solving problems and caring for his family. During the 1940-50s while driving log trucks and hauling timber, Collins and his brother designed and manufactured improved log bunks and stakes for trucks that are still in use today. They had to be strong enough to carry a load of 50,000 pounds on trips from the forest to the mills, which could be a hundred miles or more (large portions of it on dangerous, washboard roads). Much of the materials and engineering for the bunks are like what would become the original self-loading dolly in 1972.

The self-loading dolly continues to evolve as material compositions and manufacturing technology progresses. Driven by user input—feedback from operators around the world contribute to what would help make their job easier, safer and equipment that is more resilient to road abuse. Some of these advancements led by Collins are:

1974 – Telescopic Positive Camber Steel Axles/Cross Rails

1974 – Greaseable Load-bearing Pivot Points Housed and Sealed Internally

1977 – Safety Ratchet System (SRS)

1985 – Safety Lock System

1995 – Telescopic Positive Camber Aluminum Axles/Cross Rails

1999 – Greaseable Steel Hubs

2006 – Lightest Weight Dolly (Collins Gen. 5 – SLX Hi-Speed Dolly)

2006 – Greaseable Aluminum Hubs

2006 – Removable Bolts & Components with Hand Tools

2008 – Aluminum 8” Wheel

2016 – Two-tone Zinc Plating Standard (Collins Gen. 6 – SLZ Hi-Speed Dolly)

2018 – Collins 4.80×8 Load Range D Tires (nearly 1000 lb. more capacity per set than 4.80 Load Range C Tires)

So, what does this mean for you? How many times have you needed a tool and been frustrated that you do not have it, cannot find it, isn’t the right one or it does not exist? Maybe you were able to make do with what you had (a refined skill among operators), but wish it had not taken extra time, reduced profit, or lost business. In recovery and repossession scenarios, this could look like: turning away potential clients, lost time calling additional trucks to move a vehicle because the first one could not handle it, risking personal injury or vehicle damage.

With the right equipment the job becomes easier and safer. Collins Dollies have been designed and built for:

  1. ease of use.
  2. safety for your team & customers.
  3. to go where you need to be.

One operator can load the dollies under a vehicle and quickly lift it. The quickest time we have encountered is 60 seconds, from off the truck to vehicle lifted! With a little training, an operator or agent can recover AWD, electric/hybrid, vehicles that are disabled or stuck in park using the same dollies and wheel lift to get all four wheels off the ground and the job done.

Safety is a top priority in the industry and should not be left out of dolly towing. It’s why all Collins Hi-Speed Dollies include the Safety Ratchet System which allows an operator to safely lift a vehicle (light or heavy) in all conditions – rain, snow, ice, gravel, slopes, uneven terrain – with the operator in control even if they should lose their grip or footing. Without it, the operator remains in the dangerous impact zone of the pry bar’s arc and a wrong move potentially resulting in serious injury. The Safety Ratchet System (SRS) acts as a backup safety while under tow, to keep the vehicle upright. If a vehicle on dollies without the SRS drops while being towed, it could cause extensive damage. The ratchets can also assist in moving a vehicle that is up against a wall, garage, or similar obstacle by partly raising the dolly and vehicle, pulling the dolly away, then raising it completely.

Because you do not get to choose where or in what conditions the vehicle lies, it helps to have the proper equipment that works as hard as you do. Collins Dollies are built to handle inclement weather, rough road conditions, heavy loads and long-distance towing if required. Properly maintained, loaded, and secured, Collins Hi-Speed Dollies can safely be used on highways, freeways, and interstates to move the vehicle where you need to go. A single truck with a wheel lift and Collins Dollies can do the work of multiple trucks, increasing profitability.

Repossession agents can find a dolly model tailored to them — Collins Hi-Speed Dolly REPO. Lightweight for moving in and out of the bed of a truck, yet strongest in its class offering 3640 lb. of capacity on 4.80-D tires with steel wheels. Same high quality yet less aesthetic steel wheels make this an economic model. Paired with Collins Combo Mount, the Hi-Speed Dollies can be stored out of sight in the back of a; pickup bed yet within easy reach so they are accessible right when and where you need them. Looking ahead, Collins has another dolly model that has been in development over the last several years to make repossessing vehicles even quicker, so agents can be in and out, then down the road in as little time as possible.

For those operating a flatbed truck instead of a wrecker, Collins Carrier Dolly gives you a damage-free, efficient way to load and unload vehicles. They effectively raise the vehicle for greater ground clearance, make for quicker loading and unloading and opens possibilities for towing a wider range of cars – electric, AWD, high performance and luxury vehicles. Should you come across vehicles without wheels because they were stolen or removed to prevent repossession, the Tow Cradle fits both Hi-Speed Dollies and Carrier Dollies to support the rotor and allow for recovery.

Coming back to our tower in the desert, he earned the job and delivered the vehicle safely all from the comfort of his cooled truck. That same pair of Collins Dollies has assisted him in over 1000 miles of towing, in less than a month. With no sign of slowing, he can keep his business going. When safety, durability, longevity, better performance, lighter weight, and profitability all matter, he chooses Collins. Safe and happy towing!

Start up Company or Industry Leader, Dynamic Has Your Solution!

Established in 1982, Dynamic Manufacturing began its operations in an 8,000 square foot building in Norfolk, Virginia.  TODAY THIS BUILDING IS NOW MORE THEN 60,000 SQ FT!!

The creators and executive team at Dynamic Manufacturing were the innovators in the repossession and towing industry. Calvin Russ, the company’s founder, started Dynamic Manufacturing by sketching out an idea to design a wheel-lift system that would be easier, faster, and safer to operate than what was available at the time. His creation, the Original Self-Loading Wheel-Lift, was born and Dynamic Manufacturing consistently worked to perfect the Self-Loading Wheel-Lift. Today, the Self-Loading Wheel-Lift is the most sought-after technology in the industry.

The Original Self-Loading Wheel-Lift from Dynamic was introduced in 1983. The Self-Loading Wheel-Lift was repossessing vehicles with its 90 degree hook up in 10 seconds and the driver never had to leave the security of the cab of the truck. The word of how well the new Self-Loading Wheel-Lift worked spread like wildfire through the industry. The Virginia Department of Transportation commissioned Dynamic to build a unit for towing and recovery on the bridges and tunnels in Norfolk, Virginia. The Dynamic 601 BTW twin line, with a hydraulic extend-able recovery boom was put into service and is still the equipment of choice today. Soon after, major cities like Chicago and New York added the Self-Loading Wheel-Lift to their fleets as well. Dynamic grew as the industry grew and the demands for stronger, improved, and more diversified Self-Loading Wheel-Lift equipment was needed.

The company’s mainstay was the 601 series with a 4,000-pound wheel-lift. This unit has now been bypassed with the 701 with its 5000lb wheel-lift fully extended, and optional Neg-Power tilt. With the 701’s impressive array of standard equipment, it is available in four different configurations: the B, which is the basic unit with the 5,000 pound wheel-lift; the BDW, a bed with a deck winch; the BSW, a bed with a recovery boom and a single winch; and the BTW, a bed with a recovery boom and two winches and numerous optional equipment is available to qualify for city and state towing contracts.

The present owners of Dynamic have over 40 years’ experience in the towing business. AND NOW OVER 10 years in manufacturing, engineering, and bringing new products to the industry. They understand what the towers need and want. Safety is an especially important issue. Dynamic offers the in-cab wheel-lift controls for added safety during highway tows and the ever-dangerous repossession. Not one tow vehicle is the same, Dynamic is a small, customer care company where you can reach the owner as well as all the departments to solve a problem with your Dynamic equipment. Their parts department is always stocked with a vast amount and a variety of parts. A call to the parts department and quick ship out procedure ensures your downtime to an absolute minimum.  Dynamic listens and is always open to suggestions and changes needed by the end user.

The 701 light duty and light/medium duty truck series and the 801 medium duty truck series are also available in the four different configurations. The 701 series offers a 5,000-pound wheel-lift and is also available with optional winch or negative tilt. The 801 series is the truck that Dynamic designed for the Virginia Department of Transportation and is available with an 8,000 pound wheel-lift. Dynamic Manufacturing totally reengineered the 801 series with an 8500LB wheel-lift and 16-ton recovery boom to meet their needs!

Dynamic Manufacturing is continuing to broaden its product line. Dynamic was the first to manufacture rollbacks with a Self-Loading, Independent, Wheel-Lift. The traditional “L” arm wheel-lift is offered as standard equipment. As time progressed, methods of towing vehicles and trucks also required more diligence when towing. Dynamic saw the need to manufacture equipment that would help the tower be able to not only perform his job safely, but also with the delicate care needed to tow the present and future vehicles and trucks. The latest products introduced and now manufactured by Dynamic are the RADIUS Rotator Carrier, Slide-in Units, and the Stealth Wheel-Lifts. Dynamic offers a full line of products that can transform your pick-up into a wrecker at a low cost, and it makes for the perfect setup for low clearance garages! The latest addition to the lineup is the Dynamic Service vehicle. Make sure you visit and check them out for yourselves.

Dynamic has distributors located throughout the United States, England, Australia, Ukraine, Russia, Scandinavia, Sweden & Baltic States.

They are always looking for additional equipment distributors, parts distributors, and repair facilities. Please contact Dynamic Manufacturing for more information

Wrecked Wrecker, Now What?

Did someone damage your tow truck?  Go after them for your lost income!  When your commercial equipment isn’t working, you’re losing money. The at-fault party should pay for your repairs, downtime, diminished value, and all other out of pocket expenses in most states. This is true whether it’s an accident on a highway, parking lot, or even a faulty mechanical repair.

You’re in business to tow, not handle claims. If you need help, find a transportation law firm that can handle this portion of your business and keep you on the road.

Here’s a typical downtime scenario:

You own three very busy tow trucks. A bad driver slams into your best wrecker. It’s a heavy duty rig, so it’s no simple task to rent a replacement. The body shop says it will be at least three weeks before you get this truck back in service. You see your profits going up in smoke. You may even lose one of your contracts and the driver who normally mans this truck. What do you do from here?

File a Claim Against At-Fault Driver’s Insurance

No one likes an insurance claim on their record. Wherever possible, file a claim instead with the at-fault driver’s insurance. If liability is clear, they will often agree to pay for repairs. However, they may not agree to pay anything on your downtime losses. Oftentimes, an adjuster will say you can’t get lost wages because you’re not injured. Many adjusters don’t understand the difference between lost wages and downtime losses (also called loss of use, lost profits, and business interruption losses). Clarify to the adjuster that your business is losing money while the wrecker remains in the repair shop. Even after your valid explanation, the adjuster may only offer you the cost of a rental, not your true lost income.

Rentals & Mitigation

Finding suitable tow equipment to rent can be difficult, if not impossible. It’s not like you can go to the nearest Enterprise or Penske to get a heavy duty wrecker. Even if you’re lucky enough to find similar rental equipment, a huge deposit might be required or the equipment is thousands of miles away. Sometimes the large daily rental rate may not make financial sense for your business. Adjusters often throw up road blocks saying you haven’t mitigated your losses and therefore will pay little to no money towards a rental or lost income.

Recover Lost Profits

You don’t have to accept an adjuster’s initial settlement offer. In most states, you may be entitled to your actual lost profits when a replacement vehicle isn’t available or doesn’t work financially. Contact an attorney who can back you up and go for your true losses. Law firms like Eckert & Associates, PA will work with you from day one to make sure you do and say the right things to protect your interests and get the money you deserve.

A Partner to Ensure You Don’t Leave Money on the Table

Find an attorney who will calculate and create a demand package that clearly establishes your equipment’s losses. Lawyers should negotiate with the adverse, the adjuster and their lawyer to convince them of your true lost profits. The law firm of Eckert & Associates, PA has decades of experience handling these claims and the information is put into a format and language insurance adjusters understand.

Recently, clients William and Constance Christy said, “I would recommend dealing with Eckert & Associates to anyone looking for downtime compensation. They save you the time and aggravation of trying to deal with the at fault party’s adjuster yourself.”

You may be thinking, how am I going to pay for an attorney when I’m already losing money? Great news! Eckert & Associates, PA charges nothing for a consultation and works on a contingency fee basis instead of an hourly fee basis. This means they only get paid if they collect for you.

According to client Donald A. Faulkner, Jr., “Eckert & Associates performed as advertised! Courteous, professional and won my case.”

When you get frustrated with the process and want a law firm to back you up, call 1-800-DOWNTIME for a free consultation.

Don’t Panic – Be Prudent

For the past several months, Towers have been experiencing eye-opening financial burdens because of a virus threat they cannot see.  During strange and unnerving times, such as these, the Towing Industry always trudges forward.  We’re resilient no matter what comes our way.  That brings me to what my friend within another industry requested from me recently.

To help his members during these times, this friend asked me to speak on “Being Prudent” for posting on Facebook.  After I recorded my 2-minute video segment, he posted it on Facebook Live to help those members and businesses involved in his industry.  Basically, here’s what I said about ‘Being Prudent’.

“Yes, I’m frugal.  Some people say, I’m tighter than bark on a tree.  Why?  I won’t write a check until I view my bank balance.  You won’t find me buying a boat or a four-wheeler to drive the hills of Georgia until the virus stuff is over.”

As I continued my 2 minutes, I let the viewers know that I’m self-employed.  “President Trump will not be writing me a check.  Please listen to this white-haired man.  I have run out of money before when I’ve run out of week.  More workers then usual might not be paying their credit card bills this month. Luckily, some banks are providing a sliver of relief to customers who are struggling financially, whether by waiving late-payment fees, deferring interest charges or not reporting missed payments to the credit bureaus.”  As the viewers were practicing social distancing at work and home, I continued my quest to help lower their fears.  I gave them some simple things that they could do now to calm things, especially if they were concerned about making ends meet.

Some simple tasks they could do from home were discussed.  Holding up a purple bag of coins, I said, “Go through that jar or bag of change you’ve put aside for a rainy day.  Did you know that the 2019 penny with a W under the date is worth 20 dollars and 47 cents?   That’s right – $20.47.”   My purpose was to keep my conversation light-hearted.  Next, I suggested, them pulling down from the top closet shelf that 500-piece puzzle from Aunt Mary received several Christmases ago and make it a family project.  Finishing that puzzle could be a wonderful way for the family to reconnect without relying on Xbox or iPads.  I also suggested there might be a hobby that they could focus on for a period of time each day. My purpose was not just to calm their fears but to make sure each listener was being prudent with what they already have.

What I didn’t get to say during that 2-minute segment was this.  The virus is still here as we approach end of summer. Some scientists and doctors have indicated that this virus could return in 2021.  Will we, as an industry, be financially prepared to survive another round of this virus with the financial downturn it could bring? And, what if it could have a bigger punch next year?

The larger financial corporations will not talk to the average Towers unless he or she has a multi-million-dollar portfolio.  They won’t waste their time on working with us.  I’m asking you to be prudent so you can lock-in now the things that can help so you don’t have money issues again.   I have a small book that can help all of us – How Money Works.  It is an easy read that even a high school student can read and easily understand. You can find the book on Amazon for $16.99 plus shipping cost with a 4.6 – STARS of a 5.0 – STAR rating, but I can send you a copy of it for $10 with NO shipping cost.  Contact me directly because I personally know the authors.  All I ask is that you read the book and let me know your favorite part.

While being prudent, don’t forget to think about others.  There might be a neighbor that you don’t really know very well that could use your help.  If you feel you would like a book for yourself, your children, or a neighbor, I will be happy to accommodate. Let me know how many of these books you will need.

Friends, this virus and financial problem WILL pass.  As hard-working, unrelenting Towers, we are resilient.  So, don’t panic.  Be prudent.  Think before you spend money.  Let me know if you want a copy of this book for $10.  Call me at 770-301-4122 and leave me your contact information.  In the meantime, be safe, healthy and love to all.

Next time, I will share what things Towers can do during these times to make extra money.  See you next timeÂ