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Motivating Your Team Creates a Healthier Work Environment

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this question over the last decade or so, “Hey, DJ can you come motivate my people?” ...

Is Your Telescope Set Right?

Even though I’m in my mid 70’s now, I continue to work in the podcast center two days a week completing podcasts for Tow...

Be Kind to Your Mind

Before writing an article, I sometimes think whether it would really help me rather than just something thoughtful to read.  Writing an article is...

Look For the Helpers

Over the past 30+ years, and especially after a national disaster, Mister Rogers’ quote has been repeated in some form or fashion.  Mister Rogers...

Welcome to the Florida Tow Show

If you are reading this article, hopefully by now you are planning on joining me at the 2024 Florida Tow Show on April 18th-20th...

Don’t Panic – Be Prudent

For the past several months, Towers have been experiencing eye-opening financial burdens because of a virus threat they cannot see.  During strange and unnerving...
Volume 13 Issue 4 - Fuel 4 Thought - Want to Have a Successful Trade Show Booth

Want to Have a Successful Trade Show Booth?

I have witnessed some very successful trade show booths but have also seen some unsuccessful ones too.  Certainly, there are differences between them, so...

Your Podcast is Growing

We are proud to announce that the Tow Professional Podcast keeps growing every week.  No doubt, the good information in each episode keeps our...

Secrets of the Wealthy Shared with Towers

Last year was caused by something completely out of our control.  It was disastrous for the towing industry, and some of our businesses struggled...

See You on the Next Podcast

Like clockwork every month I have authored an article in this magazine and without fail finish with this line, “See you on the next...

The Sneeze

You are probably wandering what sneezing has to do with our industry. It is quite simple. After sharing a short story with you, I...
A New Understanding Attitude of Gratitude

A New Understanding, Attitude of Gratitude

For those of you who came by the Tow Professional booth during the Florida Tow Show, thank you. Darian Weaver, the Publisher, and I...